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Pan's art page
on October 24, 2020
panpan being fed by her grandpa - black hawk / mr zap uwu
//art is work in progress and part was streamed!
Dimension: 1200 x 950
File Size: 305.18 Kb
11 people like this.
I might continue this tomorrow > streaming but I never asked.. are people here interested in art streams? I been doing them a lot lately + record it (but idk where to upload speedpaints)
Like October 24, 2020
Like October 25, 2020
Pan's art page
need to work on shading.. something i just can't seem to master xD especially at objects that are new to me.. god save me!
Like October 25, 2020
Rainbow Dash
Aw... that's cute.
Like October 25, 2020
Thank you! <3
Like October 25, 2020