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Silver Bullet
on January 16, 2021
After having realised that would never experience the amazing feeling of flight, Silver would seek the actor out in the middle of the day and quite simply just take him for the flight of his life. <3
Dimension: 1200 x 735
File Size: 885.34 Kb
20 people like this.
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
This is beautiful. Gray got the full bird experience, he even pooped.
Like January 16, 2021
Silver Bullet
How would he feel if Silver let him fall a few hundred meters.
Like January 16, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
He'd probably cry, you know, for like the 5 seconds of consciousness he gets to have before he passes out :weary:
Like January 16, 2021
Silver Bullet
Poor baby
Like January 16, 2021
The expressions are simply perfect~<3
Like January 16, 2021
Silver Bullet
Hahaha, I got a keen eye, don’t worry.
Like January 16, 2021
Look at 'em. So full of joy.
Like January 16, 2021
Silver Bullet
“Haha my hoof slipped.”
Like January 16, 2021
"I can imagine the ensuing scream of panics."
Like January 16, 2021
Hm... The same would go for ghostbit if you consider that when you are working on set for a scene and then a complete stranger pluck's you up from the ground and carried you away X3
Like January 16, 2021