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Minsa Rousain
on February 2, 2021
"I'm so ready to swing into spring!" (Credit to MissDandrade)
Dimension: 1200 x 1521
File Size: 2.86 Mb
15 people like this.
Pinkie Pie
You're welcome. You think you can make me one and ship it to me.
Like February 4, 2021
Minsa Rousain
I'm terribly sorry, I didn't actually draw this! MissDandrade on YCH is the one who dres this.
Like February 4, 2021
Phoenix Wind
Stop, she's way too cute
Like February 4, 2021
Minsa Rousain
Aww shucks!!
Like February 4, 2021
Phoenix Wind
Really great art by the way. I'm always so amazed by the artists on this site, I can't draw a straight line so stuff like this just blows me away
Like February 4, 2021
Minsa Rousain
Oh it wasn't me who drew the image! As I put with the original post, the image was drawn my MissDandrade on YCH.
Like February 4, 2021
Pinkie Pie
Are you talking to me Flaming Feathers.
Like February 4, 2021
nice job whoever did this artwork lol
Like February 4, 2021 Edited