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Princess Echo Narcissa
on January 1, 2018
I would probably wake up feeling a little weary and groggily still, and not really knowing what happened yet after I literally just woke up. I would then wonder why I can't move or feel my fingers or toes right now with the feeling of my body feeling different.
It is hard to determine what I would do. I thought hard on it, I believed I would be oblivious at first when I first wake up, when I actually begin to decide to finally wake up, I think I would notice that my hands are now my front hooves, I would be shocked, scared, confused, not knowing if this is real, wonder if I'm still dreaming, half panic then go to see if this was actually real.Then probably get nervous and wonder... what now?
Dimension: 369 x 395
File Size: 24.7 Kb
8 people like this.
Chisel hammer
i better not be a god damn black n red pony
Like January 1, 2018
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Phoenix Genevieve
Actually I'm grey and red
Like January 1, 2018
Chisel hammer
dad is that you
Like January 1, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
Yes, hello son
Like January 1, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
Also the first thing I'd do is launch a god damn assault on Canterlot and become the new god damn Princess. ALL HAIL PRINCESS PHOENIX!
Like January 1, 2018
Like January 1, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
You can be the new Luna
Like January 1, 2018
Well, at least that’s more realistic than making your OC ridiculous over powered
Like January 1, 2018
I would be amazed and confused and definitely wanna go and text my friends abou-- oh... no hands. Well.
Like January 1, 2018
Salina White
If I'm the slendermare, I'll be a good.
Like January 2, 2018
Princess Echo Narcissa
You're form might likely reflect off of you and your personality, so possibly.
Like January 2, 2018