Earth pony
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Hello! I like long narrative ( romance /drama )I'm also an Artist!
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Canon MLP (this means, no robots / cyborgs)
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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When you roleplay in anthro... do you have hooves for feet or feet for feet???
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Just feet. We're not making some freak of nature.
December 26, 2022

December 26, 2022

Rough Winds
December 26, 2022

December 26, 2022

Hooves :)
December 27, 2022

Amy Callihan
tootsies. Hoovers aren't (chique).
December 30, 2022
Whats your characters go-to when theyre sad?
Chisel drinks and goes to bed.... shes not proud of it but its something
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Hey listen. Don't want dungeon torture? Don't be a criminal. Or low life noble. Or shit restaurant owner. Or lousy mane stylist. Yknow, Don't be a jackass
I'm... neither of those. Just a protector of the Cartoon Universe lul
December 25, 2022
Phoenix likes cheap, garbage food. Also booze but that's sort of standard I feel
December 25, 2022
Torch does heroin and cocaine when she's sad, that always perks her up
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it has been minutes since i’ve seen this and i still can’t get over her stupid little butt LOOK AT IT
Chisel re-wraps her last year christmas present you gave and gives it back to you forgetting the fact you were the one who gave her that very present
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Ephemeria quickly catches onto this fact after vaguely recognising the gift, but she interprets it as some sort of wholesome symbol of having kept it for a year
more like a year of dust
Chisel made sure to sprinkle some lovely drops of motor oil and beer and other questionable stains over it~! Not on purpose but hey! It adds something huh?
December 24, 2022
Chisel squinted her eyes and wheeled over to Trip "... wait, is this one of those gay-ass recorded speaker bears?" she reaches in to press the plushie while Trip held it
December 24, 2022
Lilith opens the paper. Her smile faded.
“Oh… a set of healing crystals in a drawstring pouch with the word ‘Chisel’ embroidered on the front of the bag. I ironed on the hammer and anvil motif myself…”
"......Happy... Holiday Throwback?" Chisel smiles awkwardly smiles
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This is exactly how i feel when someone tries to RP me with the fuckign "I can give you new legs / fix your legs trope" MF, CANT YOU THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE THAN CHISELS NOODLE LEGS
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In all seriousness though. It is such an non-unique opening to start with, "i can fix ocs physical flaw" because its so overused.
I want a character who hates help from others who is a sort of "do it yourself" kind of pony to completely shut these bozos down.
Or better yet a conspiracy theorist.... View More
Ok but like, my OC has $1,000,000,000,000 and can afford to fix her legs with science isn’t that so cool
December 20, 2022
Chisel will be a bionic super soldier that can do anything and has no flaws anymore because her legs can do EVERYTHING
December 20, 2022
Does Chisel give off Tall pony vibes or Short pony vibes?
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"Getting coal for christmas doesn't sound too bad... as a blacksmith"
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Polo set down a potion of healing and said " I don't really know you enough. This is awkward ... "
December 19, 2022
"What is a Hot Topic?" Polo asked not knowing what store that is.
December 19, 2022
"Well, sure, if you're happy with mediocrity. It's not like there's any cool new toys every year in any profession. Or existing favorites that wear out. Or even, say, simple money. A chunk of someone's hard-spent life and time condensed into a sort of universal currency that can be traded for anythi... View More
December 19, 2022
*Wheels slowly from across the street with heavy eye contact*
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Sawbones laughs when Chisel’s path is blocked by a hefty rock.
December 18, 2022
Chisel lifts up the rock with her MUSCLES and YEETs it over to the doctor
December 18, 2022
She’s using her muscles! Her muscles!!! Her big, big arms to throw a rock!! Lilith cartoonishly swooned and wobbled until she was a mere puddle on the ground. The rock went “sploosh!” when it skidded across the pool of water that once was Dr. Sawbones.
Scotch will hear a set of wheels getting closer... and closer... and closer. Stop. A clattering of plates can be heard. The cookies are gone and so is the angry wheelie
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Earth pony