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Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
The never ending adventure, of the every day life. Taxing draining and sometimes as uneventful as it may be, every day matters in building the greatest story ever known.
Keep it up, and keep advancing into the darkness of the future. For lifes greatest journey waits for none.
Dimension: 450 x 563
File Size: 34.09 Kb
6 people like this.
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Pure spite is the alarm clock that wakes this stallion from bed. His anti-paladin senses tells him that some oversized motherfuck*r is about to embark on another smite-filled adventure, and that it might need to be cut short.
Like May 26, 2021
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
The stallion quickly centers by, and seemingly bonks the annoyed lock over the head with a pool noodle! The hit is critical! -2 pride
Like May 26, 2021