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*Nitroxus/Nitroxas would sit down with you and smile. This was going to be either a fun or hectic blind date.*//Finally, based off the many and zany "blind dates with X" with Nitroxus and Nitroxas, I present to you "Your Date with Nitroxus/Nitroxas" a YCH event that will have limited slots. From the lovely artistic hands of Mina May Marzipan , there will be at least 3 slots for OCs to have this limited chance to date either Nitroxus or Nitroxas. Mina will be drawing your OC into this scene and you have the option of adding text to the scene, as to make it either wholesome or serious. Base starting price will be $20 for your OC, yet $3 may be added if the Text that you may be too long. As well, please be respectful to Mina, as she doing the art and she is the one you're going to pay. Also keep in mind that it may take time for your slot to be finished. So if need be, please confirm times and payment before she starts. As well, don't spam her inbox with multiple requests. Like I said, 3 slots are the minimum. She has the final say on how many slots she will make. For warn, I'm not taking any money from this YCH as I find the joy in seeing the possible pictures that can come from this scene.//Before I go, want you to remember to be considerate with the YCH, please no harsh language, no threats, and understanding that these photos could be seen by young teens. So join up and please comment below if you plan to join in. Don't spam Mina.
In Album: Nitroxus Soulspins's Timeline Photos
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