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Nitroxus Soulspins
on January 24, 2022
You lied to me...
//The sign is so much better than what you told me it would be. It just too good. I mean its so large, larger than my XBOX Series X. The polish finish on this is too good. Its so pristine. Its like looking at perfection. This is just too much bro, like my guy, you did too much of a good job on this. I can't hang it on the wall that I was planning to. This street sign, it needs more honor. Its going on the Zelda Wall. And that's my favorite wall in my place, even better than the pony wall. I still need shelves for the Pony wall. As well paintings on that one.
//So in summary, you lied about the quality of this street sign. Its so much better in person than I would have ever expected.
//As for your letter, I will cherish it forever in all my days. Thank you bro.
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 1.51 Mb
7 people like this.
Make sure you shine a direct light on it next to your eyes. Also look at the back~
Like January 24, 2022
View 6 more replies
Nitroxus Soulspins
I am? Is that good?
Like January 24, 2022
You're a legend!
Like January 24, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh, thank you.
Like January 24, 2022
Comp really is just the best like this. Got a natural eye for graphic design, no less!
Like January 24, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
Its so awesome that he even made these.
Like January 25, 2022
Now the real question is what else do people want?
Like January 25, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
A shirt, cup coaster, headband, wristband, or possibly stickers.
Like January 26, 2022
Wait there's Merch!?
Like January 25, 2022
Unofficial that is
Like January 25, 2022