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Astro Blitz
on February 28, 2022
Wait! I'm not ready to go just yet! Please, give me a few more hours! I want to say goodbye 1 final time before I go back to storage....!
*Nitroxas would trapped in a bubble, almost set to go back.*
//Art by DragonLunar3 from DA
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 1.13 Mb
10 people like this.
Heating Freeze
*I pop the bubble and give him a solid hug*
Like March 1, 2022 Edited
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Astro Blitz
*Nitroxas was now Nitroxus.* How did I get in a bubble?
Like March 2, 2022
Heating Freeze
I don't know, but you didn't want to leave yet.
Like March 2, 2022
Astro Blitz
Wait, why would I want to leave?
Like March 2, 2022 Edited
Like March 1, 2022
Astro Blitz
//You'll see her next year
Like March 2, 2022
The Ghostling would hop up to them ands pulled out a Needle, About to punture the bubble to set them free like a Pokemon!
Like March 1, 2022
Astro Blitz
*Nitroxus was now confused.* Ghostbit, how did I get in the bubble?
Like March 2, 2022
Like March 2, 2022
Astro Blitz
Was it your magic?
Like March 3, 2022
Yami Crosshide
BUBBLE *yami would charge at the bubble to play with it*
Like March 4, 2022
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Astro Blitz
*Nitroxus would just stay still.* I should have expected this.
Like March 4, 2022
Yami Crosshide
*yami charged into the bubble and nommed on it....all should expect this*
Like March 5, 2022
Astro Blitz
*Nitroxus would be pushed out of the bubble.* Umm, thanks Yami. Have fun.
Like March 6, 2022