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on June 9, 2022
"Hey! HEY! Guess what?" Trio happily and excitedly remarked towards the unfortunate pony before him while he hovered and bobbed up and down before them- blocking their view of the sky. He beamed and did a little flip in the air as he flew to the side and showed what he did. "For you!" #rp
Dimension: 1080 x 1080
File Size: 126.84 Kb
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Hawk had the courtesy to try to avoid this strange pony at first, but the bouncing and getting-in-his-way behavior quickly took hold of Hawk's attention now. "What?" he would ask in a way that almost sounded annoyed, taking a moment to humor the pony. Upon completion, Hawk would lay his eyes on a sy... View More
Like June 9, 2022