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Misty Brightdawn
The blue unicorn appeared in a flash of light, showing up unexpectedly in Ponyville Square. She looked around frantically, her frizzy purple mane swinging around as she tried to understand her new su... View More
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Honey Seep
Honey Seep's eyes went wide as she saw this strange new pony appear in town. Part of her was confused, but another part of her was excited to take advantage of this oppertunity. Rushing straight in front of her with a wagon filled with jars of honey, she'd quickly introduce herself. "Hiya! Nice to m... View More
Like May 10, 2024
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Misty Brightdawn
Misty was immediately overwhelmed by the multiple questions, clutching her head and trying not to scream.
Like May 10, 2024
Honey Seep
Honey kept her wide eyed grin, waiting for her response before realizing how overwhelmed she was getting. "Oh! Sorry, I get a little overexcited sometimes, sorry about that! But hey! You know what's good for helping clear your head?" She asked as she slowly lifted a jar of honey up to Misty.
Like May 10, 2024
Misty Brightdawn
Misty took a deep breath and examined the jar. "I-I would love some, thank you, but I don't think I have any money on me..."
Like May 10, 2024
Newmoon Winter
I raised an eyebrow, having spotted Misty appearing out of thin air. "You don't see a time spell like that these days." I said to myself before walking over to her. "Good afternoon." I said with a polite smile. "I take it this is your first time time traveling?"
Like May 12, 2024
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Misty Brightdawn
Misty nodded, then scrambled away. "W-wait, h-how do you know I time travelled?!"
Like May 13, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Let's just say that I've done some time traveling myself with a friend of mine years back. A-anyways. My name is Newmoon Winter." I said politely.
Like May 13, 2024
Misty Brightdawn
"I-I'm Misty...Miss Winter, maybe you could help me? I'm from the far future, do you think you could take me back there?" She looked around and gasped. "A-actually, d-don't do that..."
Like May 13, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would sense the time jump from his machine in his bunker. He was confused on what could possibly travel through time, since he was amazed that his machine even picked it up.* A possible time traveler. I guess I should check it out. Possibly, its could be a fluke.
Like May 25, 2024
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Misty Brightdawn
Misty lifted herself up, standing in Ponyville Square. "Ugh...wha, where am I?..."
Like May 25, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would beam down from a green laser in the sky. His body was on fire, before his fire system would kick in.* I really need to fix the heat treating in that..... *Nitroxus would extend a hoof to Misty.* Need any help ma'am?
Like May 26, 2024
Misty Brightdawn
Misty nodded. "Yeah...where am I, and also when am I?"
Like May 26, 2024
Nova Light
Nova wasn't sure but he think he just felt a time jump from the future to today... Since he knows such powerful spell (Creation), he can feel a huge magic surge happening anytime, and this was one of them. I am not sure myself but i think it's that pony there, she's new, so i guess I'll talk to he... View More
Like June 25, 2024
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Misty Brightdawn
Misty blinked, looking up at Nova. "Uh...hello. Where am I?"
Like June 26, 2024
Nova Light
"hm..." Should i just be straightforward or should i just lie? Let's go with the former. "Your in the past, well, your past, this is my current, this is the golden age of Equestria, Welcome to ponyville!" I rambled a bit before gesturing the town.
Like June 26, 2024
Misty Brightdawn
"The past?...Ponyville?" She nodded. "Alright...alright, Ponyville. And you are?" Misty gasped. "O-oh, I...I'm so sorry, that sounded mean, didn't it? My name's Misty! Misty Brightdawn!"
Like June 26, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp It had been a few hours after the incident with Lil Sapph's alter changeling ego left her for good. I was busy making pizzas for everypony down in my gramps training gr... View More
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Brightspark:just arriving with Both Sunspark and Flurry Heart Brightspark insisted in flying the chariot with her son while Flurry hangs out in the passenger seat Silverspark:sitting outside watching her twin's arrival and see Flurry and Sun she is too sitting her own kids she sat with her daughte... View More
Like July 21, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins was thoroughly beat after several rounds of beach volleyball, having instead pulled out her beach chair. She'd been relaxing ever since, waiting for her date with Pipp. Rain was in the middle of trying to teach herself how to swim. Harmony has had to pull her out seven times now, though it'... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Yeah, sure. What do you want on your pizzas?" Harmony: "it's clear you're struggling. You still want to do this on your own Rain?" Zidoshi: "sounds like there's a lot of activity coming from out egg." He said as he sat next to his wife holding a small pizza with his magic.... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Brightspark:"you know get me my mother's special "she said "and what ever Flurry wanted once we set her out of the passenger seat "she said Sunspark:gone to the door opening it for Flurry heart "watch your step Flurry "he told her
Like July 21, 2024
*squints* You trying to poison the town?
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"I would never poison Bridlewood. Besides, this is more of a family and friends kind of pizza party. Homemade crust, fresh ingredients, and baked in my brick oven. Want one?
Like July 21, 2024
Maliboo stormed out of a restaurant, the look of a murderer in her eyes. "I hope Zesty Gourmand burns this dive to the ground!" she yelled at the entrance before turning around and continuing her sto... View More
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The Ghostling was busy helping put up a Grand opening sign above the restaurant until He suddenly stopped, A Scent having flown past him that send a deep fear that He haven't felt in a long time... a Smell of Diamond dog but it was slightly Diluted ?
Like July 22, 2024
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Mali continued on her way, huffing and snorting.
Like July 22, 2024
The Ghostling Decided to follow the Mare, Before Coughing a little to try getting their attention. "Why...Are you leaving miss ?" He said, Trying his best to hide his anger.
Like July 23, 2024
"Because that restaurant is run by incompetent nincompoops!"
Like July 23, 2024
"Wow, so many restuarants openin' up these days. Makes me wonder if I should even bother..." Tality remarked, noticing the new place as the hybrid eqcaunine stormed out of it. She did all her own cooking unless a friend wanted to treat her. She was just better at it.
Like July 22, 2024 Edited
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"Maybe you should! Run this place outta business!"
Like July 22, 2024
"Huh? You think so?" Tality looked up at it. Problem was, her restaurant wasn't even going to be open most of the year. But it would certainly teach ponies what good taste was. "Well, maybe you can help me promote it?" she said with a entrepreneurial smile, and whips out a sample menu from her mane... View More
Like July 22, 2024
"...wait, omnivorous?" Mali asked, completely dropping the diva act as she flipped through the menu. Her stomach started to grumble audibly, and she had to be constantly swallowing to prevent herself from drooling. " can I expect a pony to cook good meat?" she asked. "You're all obligate he... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Amy Callihan
The world felt so slow as you attempted to sleep till the next day. Trapped in a vessel you may not agree with. Pain and the suffering has been going but love conquers all... And the inevitable loved... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins wasn't getting any sleep anyway. She slid out of her sleeping bag, walked into the living room, and turned on the light. "I don't have any food, but feel free to take a water or a beer. Hooves off the whiskey though, that's mine."
Like July 21, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Seemingly there was no one there. No creature or Amy. It was empy and normal- "I can help myself then?" Spinneret would be grabbed by the scruff from behind and hold her high into the air. As Sprout rose, she saw a dress along the ground that smelled... Bad. Really, bad. The dress was seemingly w... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret's eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. " are you--I-I thought you'd leave me alone for at least the next century...d-did I have a heart attack while I was asleep?! the parasite back?!?!" She looked around frantically, trying to find a way out of this. She dropped her di... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Amy Callihan
Luckily for her, it was enough. Death would grimace and huff. "I was a weakling then and now I am so much more than Death itself. I AM AN ENIGMA!" The walls would melt as the world would become pitch black except for them. "You will feel the wrath of the gods. You are so bothered by being friends w... View More
Like July 22, 2024
The Mimikin
The New-willed Creature stared at the Crack, Thinking it was their Role-model, The Famous Amy Callihan, A Pony They heard for some time and was actually a Role-model to their eyes but He rose up from their Nest, A Mixture Between hay, And a Weird ooze that had harden but was mostly found in Changeli... View More
Like July 21, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Another mare laughter as the door would close, these laughter were any different between each laugh. In fact, they were the exact same every time. It sounded robotic and fake. "Come on! Let's play mister. Hehe." The voice suddenly stopped after and then dead silence. Steps would be heard until it ... View More
Like July 22, 2024
The Mimikin
It was Quickly getting under their Chittin, That they morphed one of their paws into the stem of a Angler fish just to Illuminate the area, Trying to find what it thinks of being one of those Goblin creatures.
Like July 22, 2024
Amy Callihan
The world seemed so dark. Way darker than usually as the Mimikin had stumbled upon a recorder in the middle of a field that was constantly on repeat. It played the same lines it was playing before. Same small child. Then another recorder. Then another. Then another. THEN ANOTHER. THEN ANOTHER. THEN... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Tality was up late, as always, working on recipes for her restaurant, when she heard a shriek from upstairs. There was a trampling of hooves and she was there like a crack of lightning. "What's wrong, Coneypie? Was it a bad dream?" "I saw someone outside my door! She was laughin' at me all weird," ... View More
Like July 22, 2024
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Amy Callihan
When she turned a figure stood before her, looking down at her. A creature made of what looks like black mist. Yet, if you look carefully there is a decrepid body standing there. His bones exposed and destroyed. The flesh he wore was minimal and the flesh still on was black as if unnatural dead skin... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Tality's motherly expression never faltered, as if she hadn't even seen the apparition. She turned back to her Coney and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Simultaneously, her back split open and something else climbed out. Her ribs unfolded, her neck and skull and meat walked on bony protrusions, it... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Amy Callihan
[Scenario "When Life and Death collide": Situational. Meet the Great Slave with Death Looming.] "...." He would have looked over at the foal as his body shaped and molded. He would walk past to look down at the foal. "I wish all that were true." He looked at Tality. "She keeps me here, forever to ... View More
Like July 23, 2024 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would tap his chin.* So, is it just me? Or do everypony just find my brothers to be more fun? *Astro would sit on a branch above.* I was fun? I didn't plan on taking fun from either of you.... View More
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"Why are y'all in my backyard? Y'all didn't touch my small garden, did you?" Ramirez asked as she approved the trio, she was wearing a sun hat and held a jerry can.
Like July 15, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Sling would summon a magical rose.* A rose by any other name is still a rare Ramirez~ *He would pass the rose to her,.* *Nitroxus would cross his arms.* No, would never bother your home. We are a respectful bunch. *Astro would wave.* Your garden is really nice. The birds love it.
Like July 16, 2024
The changeling would blush at the offer, taking the flower. "T-Thanks..." She would then turn to the other two, clearing her throat and shaking her head. "A-Anyway, still doesn't answer my question on why all of you are in my backyard? You could have knocked on my door for permission at least."
Like July 16, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would shrug.* I didn't know this was your backyard. We do apologize for this. We will leave soon. *Astro would float down, and landed down besides Nitroxus.* You still have a wonderful garden. *Sling would wave at his bros.* See ya. Me and the lass will miss you.
Like July 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Maybe it's just that your brothers don't visit often?" Spins suggested, sitting in a lawn chair. "There's somethin to be said for novelty, after all. We all see Nitro almost every day, Sling and Astro almost never stop by."
Like July 16, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Astro would walk over to Spins, dig a small hole in the ground in front of her. He then placed a lit candle inside, then buried it.* Call it done. I have completed that task. *Nitroxus would look at his brothers.* Well, the are normally busy and can't dedicate the same kind of time that I do. *Sl... View More
Like July 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins looked down at the candle. "...I don't even know what you thought I was sayi--wait, I have simps?" She tilted her head. "...oh, right, I'm a pony there. Never mind, makes sense. Are there more stallions or mares?"
Like July 16, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would look at Astro and then to Spins.* Astro, did you "Bury the Light Deep Within" because the lawn chair? *Astro nodded and pointed to Spins.* I have to respect her swagger to sit on that chair, in this heat, on this year, with this weather being like it is. *Sling would gripe.* Its 5... View More
Like July 16, 2024
"I need to take you on a bunker tour sometime. You'll definitely appreciate that more than your brothers, yeah?"
Like July 21, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus's eyes would light up to the word bunker.* I would love to see your bunker in the near future! What kind of power source is it running on? Where is it located? Is it set for 1 pony, or several? *Nitroxus would be way too excited to notice his strange love for bunkers.* *Astro would groan.... View More
Like July 21, 2024
"Nuclear. Build it, seal it up, never have to worry about it again. At least not until I upgrade to a tokamak at some point for the ones I got a lab in. I got a few hundred, dotted here and there, around the world, near major cities and strategically in forests and jungles. They vary in size, from a... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would be amazed.* Its almost like you're taking the bunker city of the South Islands and placing them here.... Except you're underselling the space. Why limit to just a few hundred. They should be made to house at least 5,000 at the start, with plans to expand either downward or sideways. ... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...well, you went through all the trouble of summoning me, so...sure, I'll go on a date with you..." Naggie smiled. #rp
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The witcher stood before her, anticipating this to be yet another run in with a hostile spectre. With his oil coated silver sword drawn and potions coursing through his system, he watched her carefully as she was summoned. His eyes were rolled over black like the eyes of a doll, his face turned sick... View More
Like 15 hours ago
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Nagathine Irons
"...oh...I thought you said that was your wish..." Naggie looked away, embarrassed. "...but yes, I am the 'Old Nag'...I ain't a fan of that name, though...please just call me 'Naggie'..." She floated around, looking at the pony before her. "...ya wouldn't happen ta be one o' them ghost hunters, ... View More
Like 15 hours ago
The witcher silently tracked her with his gaze, never taking his eyes off her. “Alright, Naggie. My name’s Loki. I’m a witcher, and that’s exactly what I was sent here for.” He stared back into her eyes, watching the tears well in her eyes. It was hard to tell what he was feeling, if anything at all... View More
Like 14 hours ago
Nagathine Irons
"...what have ya heard about me?...the legend's friends said they threw a party fer me, but when I got there, there was nopony...that was the last straw, so I dove into a well...and now, by ghost rules, I can be summoned over the course a three days..." Naggie grumbled. "...but somehow a... View More
Like 13 hours ago
"....!" Joshua would have his ears down as he was clearly occupied with watching dog soap operas. He would quickly have looked back at her when she said something. "Uhm... Yeeaah. Joshua didn't know babes would be delivery now? Would you... Like to join me?" Joshua didn't really know how to respon... View More
Like 4 hours ago
Nitroxus Soulspins
*You found Speedy, the large tortoise, and he was banging his shell against your front door. He looked worried, yet what would the creature be worried about? Upon seeing you, it would walk towards you... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout looked up at the tortoise. "What's wrong, big guy?" She changed into a tortoise.
Like July 17, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Speedy would blink. Where did the mare, and when did this female tortoise get here? Did he black out while on his mission?*
Like July 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Like July 18, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Speedy would be surprised.* What happened that pony that was here Madam? I know mating cycle is coming up in a few weeks, yet I'm on a mission. My Squire has done something stupid.
Like July 19, 2024
"Nitroxus fell in a well... again?"
Like July 17, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Speedy would shake his head no. Which was a slow process. It would try to bite Petricor, to get their attention.*
Like July 18, 2024
Tality answers the door. "Oh hey, haven't made turtle soup in a hot minute. What's up, big guy? Your shell need oiling up?"
Like July 21, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Speedy would attempt to bite her, to get her attention. Yet, he stopped. He sensed that she was old. even older than himself. Which was odd.*
Like July 21, 2024
Tality sensed that resonance with the Tortoise. The way they lived was much like her. Invulnerable, no need to rush, no need to fear, just live life at your own pace, at the cost of missing things you wish you'd cared more about. "Hm. Wisdom of the ages." She leans down and looks him in the eyes. "I... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Once on her back, Speedy would feel at ease. This was the 3rd time this has happened for the tortoise. Speedy would nearly float on cloud 9. Yet, he still had a mission. He would point his head towards Nitroxus's bunker.*
Like July 22, 2024
Caurus had somehow accidentally wound up in your saddlebag, which was where you found her when you got home, cowering and whimpering and begging for mercy in Breezish. #rp
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"Oh! How did you get here?" Ramirez asked, tilting her head at the small creature as she heard it speak in some foreign language.
Like July 3, 2024
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"Shayne-link kill not me please!!!" Caurus begged in her thick Breezish accent.
Like July 3, 2024
"I-I don't understand what you're saying, I'm sorry." Setting her saddle bag down, Rami would reach in with a hoof. "I'm not going to hurt you, you can trust me."
Like July 3, 2024
Caurus shrieked, scrambling away from Ramirez's hoof. "N-no!!! Shayne-link kill me!!! I want not kill!!!"
Like July 7, 2024
Yearling Writer
Yearling had just gotten a new saddlebag that day, and once he heard the whimpering and begging, he sat just outside the Everfree and looked in it, surprised to see Caurus. "Huh? What are you doing in there?" He asked curiously.
Like July 4, 2024
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"Big wind blow me here...kill not me please..."
Like July 7, 2024
Yearling Writer
"Uh, don't worry, I don't have any intention to kill anypony" He said, a bit surprised by the fact that she was talking to him. "I can probably take you back home, but I don't know my way around here that well"
Like July 8, 2024
"I-I go not home...entrance not..." She started crying.
Like July 8, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“How you here.”
Like July 8, 2024
Tality almost mistook her for a parasprite and popped her in her mouth. Good thing she was paying attention today. "Well, hey there little sna- guh, um, thing." "Person." "...tiiiiny ... pony ... person ... "... View More
Like July 18, 2024 Edited
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Caurus whimpered. "E-eat not me please...I foal..."
Like July 18, 2024
Tality tenses up suddenly and her eyes flare in surprise. "Oh criminy! You can talk!" Her eyes dart around a bit before she hangs her head in shame. "I'm soooo sorry! I would never hurt you, I just wasn't prepared to see a ... a ... pony fairy foal!" She gasps, "did you get shrunken down by an evi... View More
Like July 18, 2024
Caurus flinched as she was pet. "C-crush not me, please...a-and I born this size...I breezie..."
Like July 18, 2024
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