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Mirror Mirror
on December 24, 2022
gay horses! toxic relationships!! wooo!!! hope y'all are having a lovely holiday or nonholiday and staying safe n warm, remember to hydrate c:
on today's episode of 'things I do instead of having a social life' I have elected to avoid answering three messages and failed to respond to a number of rps I refuse to count. instead of interacting with anyone at all, I have drawn Faith and Mirror in the early stages of their relationship.
this is based on some of the story that I've been writing in a journal instead of haphazardly throwing it at the horse website, and that I will probably never actually get around to posting, because let's be honest, who cares what nonsense I've gotten up to? this is what happens when you isolate yourself from everyone and stop even trying to make contact with the outside world, kids!! but it's okay, I'm posting this at 11am on christmas eve, so it'll disappear soon enough.
now that I'm certain no one is still reading, I'm going to babble about design junk no one is interested in! Mirror and Faith are designed to be very opposite to each other in shape and colour, but they're connected by details that either reflect aspects of the other character or are shared between characters.
Faith's design is angular and very contrasting; her mane and tail come to sharp points and spikes, her jawline is sharper, and her lips are thin with an obvious cupid's bow. the colour palette has a much wider range of tones, but with a smaller range of hues, as she's made up entirely of warm colours. she's clearly more active, although shorter and more stout, and her design is a bit louder than Mirror's.
Mirror is made of much rounder shapes, where her mane and tail curl into circles without spikes, her lips and eyes are more round, and her jewelry is made up of curves and squares. the fabric is draped, where the clothing worn by Faith is skintight. her colours range from pink to blue, but remain pastel and close in tone. she's soft and stable.
reflected aspects include the softer and more rounded shape of Faith's wings with the angular shape of Mirror's horn, the lace edges of Faith's glove/boot/sock monstrosities with Mirror's bows, and Mirror's prominent makeup and dark hooves with Faith's natural flush and hooves matched to her fur.
shared aspects obviously include the matching golden neck-pieces with a jade crescent moon, the matching rings with jade stars (Mirror's horn, Faith's wrist), and several shared colours - the gold jewelry and the buttercups, the bows with Faith's cutie mark, and the leather glove/boot/sock monstrosities with the braided bracelet Mirror wears.
it's now 11:30am and I've been awake since 10pm yesterday, so I'm going to bed, where I will marinate thoughts in my smooth brain rather than throwing them into the void.
Dimension: 700 x 700
File Size: 445.22 Kb
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Polo Fastter
Like December 24, 2022