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Nyinx D'Lune
on September 1, 2023
Being the governor of a star sector is a lonely and exhausting job. Even with the occasional mud baths. It gets quite stressful. Especially when random shit happens like a rogue meteor strike or someone not following regulations and crashing a cargo starship into the road...
Dimension: 1200 x 1667
File Size: 2.27 Mb
5 people like this.
Shifter Burnside
How do you crash into a starship on the road??!!
Like September 2, 2023
Nyinx D'Lune
You tell me, I've had a number of small cargoships nose dive into a highway because they "Prefer to eyeball the landing vector"
Like September 18, 2023
Shifter Burnside
Woah woah woah what in f***** Celestia’s name
Like September 27, 2023 Edited