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on April 14, 2024
Made a picture based of a scene from a roleplay I'm doing.
Whispers of a monstrous presence haunting the beach had found their way to the princess's ears, prompting her to investigate. As she ventured closer, she discovered that the supposed terror was none other than a spirited young filly. To her astonishment, Twilight found herself a target of the filly's aggressive advances, as she attempted to lunge and attack her. With swift reflexes, she halted the assault using her powerful levitation magic. The sudden intervention left Tetra seething with fury.
This picture was made using a combination of screenshots I took from the show, and the background can be found at the link below.
Dimension: 1200 x 688
File Size: 756.97 Kb
4 people like this.
Tetra: is hold
Like April 14, 2024