idk man i'm not very fast
Roleplay Availability
About Me
i guess this is where i talk about the Real Life Me? i like to ponies. i also like SMT, Danganronpa, Drawn to Life, FNAF, Pokemon, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and whatever else randomly catches my interest. i like to type in a silly manner (sillily?), and i like the smell of McDonald's french fries.
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Local Business or Place » Community/Government
Company, Organization, or Institution » Church/Religious Organization
i hope my gay bug has brought you happiness
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*I would send a KiM message to Sprouting.* Hey, uhh... can we talk? I know we're kinda couped up here in Hollvania for a while, but... everyone's off doing their own thing. It got kinda lonely and... ... View More
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*It would show up as gold text. I would start typing.* Thanks. I'll do my best to make it up to you somehow.
March 21, 2025
It was time. Time for the Spinneret concert in Canterlot.
Sprout stepped onstage. Her audience cheered. All these creatures...none of them had any idea what they were in for.
The concert began as... View More
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Hey. I couldn't miss out on an old friend's concert. Besides, everyone's handling the Technocyte Codas and Mr. Puzzles back in Hollvania just fine, so I decided to come here and see ya live.
*My watch would beep.* Damn it, another Coda... gotta head out.
Yesterday, 8:18 am
Rarity was smiling warmly at Spins as she came in, helping wipe the remainder of her tears and listening as Spinneret spoke. "Of course darling, I'm more than happy to have been of help to you..." She then stopped wiping her tears and asked in a soothing tone. "How do you feel?"
Before she had the ... View More
March 21, 2025
"It's quite alright dear" Reila said, continuing on. After hearing Hiru ask his question, she would say. "Almost dear, we're nearly there"
Honey would immediately nuzzled back against Spinneret, giggling softly while her mane would occasionally cover their eyes.
16 hours ago
"Awww! I'm super glad you like my smelling like honey Snuggle Bug!" She said while still rubbing against her.
13 hours ago
letting y'all know that i do still take commissions, $5 for line, $10 for color, $15 for shaded
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Sprout was in Canterlot. She sat in her dressing room, nervously applying her makeup. "H-how do I look?" she asked you, turning to face you. "S-sorry, I just, this is...a lot. I'm riskin a lot...I... View More
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Using their star power, and with Nar knowing one of the bouncers, the two Yakushi siblings had managed to slip into Sprout’s dressing room. How they’d gotten to Canterlot on such short notice? They hadn’t told her. Yet.
“We’ll be right here for you.” Asuka re-assures, with a warm smile. “Yeah! And... View More
March 20, 2025
Nar snaps the photo, then brings the phone close to show them both the picture. "I'll send it to you if you want. Otherwise, it's just staying on my phone." Nar jostles the two before breaking from the group huddle. Askua gives Sprout one last pat on the back. "About time for you to get out there, i... View More
March 20, 2025
gotta go for a while, then i'll probably be on PonyTown afterwards. 18+ server. i'll see y'all wherever i am, i'll let you know. gonna be Sprout.
5 people like this.
Never played before, but for some reason, this post in particular got me to check it out.
Don't see myself playing it much, if at all, but the character creator is pretty neat.
6 people like this.
(Here we go.)
*Upon being ejected from the cabinet, all of us would land in the Arcade.* Ugh...
(Arthur) Don't... let us do that again... please.
N-noted. *I get up and stretch my back. All of us wou... View More
Sprout was in Baltimare, enjoying herself at the aquarium. At the moment, she was watching a show where seaponies were making dolphins do tricks, sitting right in the splash zone next to a surly-look... View More
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Odd would incidentally be in the tank. He would be talking but Sprout heard nothing. He didn't seemed too bothered being in the water.
The heck was he doing in there?
March 18, 2025
What a cruel maneuver! +2 brutality.
She would squeeze Odd and he would deflate like a tube of nearly spent paste as blood would eject all over her. Once he was spent, he would fall to the ground in a puddle of blood and water.
Everyone was horrified. +2 trauma.
March 19, 2025
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idk man i'm not very fast