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Eric Cartman
on January 12, 2018
Eccentric ran into your house finding you on the couch watching duck dynasty, she ran into your room only to find gross dirty clothes you’ve used for roleplay props and old profile pictures, she immediately went into your very big and gigantic closet to find a cuddly teddy bear, she laughed hysterically “Big baby! Is this yours hahaha!” Growlington laughs “Yea big baby! You big loser hahaha!” He snickers
Dimension: 248 x 350
File Size: 39.05 Kb
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Magnus Enigma
*He turns off the TV and sighs. Magnus looked at her, and it looked like he was going to have to show this mare a thing or two about being insane in the membrane* Alright you got me, but can you hold a candle to this. *He popped and locked and dropped it to summon her parents as bunnies* What are th... View More
Like January 12, 2018
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Eric Cartman
She flew into the living room and screamed “nooooooooooo!”
Like January 12, 2018
Magnus Enigma
Yes Pinky! *He changed them back to ponies and let them leave.* Also grit those teeth Simon! *He headbanged to the music and a large drill appeared in the ground* That will be the Drill that Pierces the Heavens! *He pulled up his fur like it was sleeves on his arms* Now if it a whoopin y'all want. I... View More
Like January 12, 2018 Edited
Eric Cartman
She was confused “Wait what?”
Like January 12, 2018