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Astral Mirage
on April 30, 2024
Trying to think of a cute suitable name for her. (Fluttershy x Thorax)
Dimension: 1200 x 1029
File Size: 274.34 Kb
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Lovinity Hearts
// ...Flutterax Thorshy? XD
Like April 30, 2024
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Lovinity Hearts
// That's true, but also she could thrash you with her kindness :P
Like April 30, 2024
Astral Mirage
I got it...Elytra, it's the pair of wings that form the shell of the body which the reformed changlings have.
Like April 30, 2024
Lovinity Hearts
// Nice! It's also quite unique. I like it.
Like April 30, 2024