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Rosey Violet Pink
on September 27, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins scare me. How are you running for that long? Are you a cyborg? Or a demigod?
Like September 28, 2024
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Rosey Violet Pink
Just running isn't unnatural really for humans. In fact a human can outlast any creature with stamina alone by running. It's because humans have became intelligent, to the point where we just drive vehicles everywhere.
Like December 1, 2024 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
I know, humans are biomechanically built for long distance running. Its the main reason why can even walk on 2 legs. As well, we use gravity to assist our walking/running. Running for us, is basically a controlled fall, moving forward.
Like December 1, 2024
Rosey Violet Pink
Exactly :3
Like December 1, 2024