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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
on December 26, 2024
Just me and outside enjoying the snow together, it may be cold but it's always a good time to build some snowman and watch the snow fall together, always fun to have outside during hearths warming time, makes the hot chocolate later taste better!
//Another gift for my great friend Sophie probably the last for a while but glad I was able to get one last one done from a user on ych named ichigokristina.
Dimension: 1200 x 833
File Size: 977.35 Kb
13 people like this.
Sophie H.
"WE NEED MORE SNOW!" Sophie yells.
Like December 26, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"Well then let's go find all the snow we can!!" He gets up picking her up with him on a journey to find all the snow!
Like December 26, 2024
Sophie H.
And so their journey begins, to find more snow! and a hot chocolate now and then.
Like December 26, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
And what a glorious journey it will be, a tale for the ages but that is a story for another time.
Like December 26, 2024
Snow Storm
"Hi, did someone order more Snow?" >:33
Like December 26, 2024
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Snow Storm
"What was that, Sophie?" she rubbed a hoof to their ear. The wind howling loudly from above. "More snow? MORE SNOW?!!" puzzeled by the order, the storm pegasus picked up their speed and flew even faster, burying everything below in a heavy blanket of snow.
Like December 27, 2024
Sophie H.
It takes maybe 30 minutes, or more until the storm stops and shows a landscape, completly overwhelmed by snow, the only thing that's visible would be Sophie's tail, swaying, showing excitment. Yes, that's enough snow to build a snowpony.
Like December 27, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce didn't even have any time to protest what Sophie said, from being to distracted by the amazing snow creation to Sophie yelling her demand, all he could do now was let out muffled yells from the snow.
Like December 27, 2024
Princess Silky ❤
OH MY GOSH THIS WAS ** BRYCE ** I DID NOT EVEN RECOGNIZE!! AHHH <3 <3 <3 SOO CUTE <3 Been way too long -- nooo wait. What happened to the long curly hair??? This is what threw me off!
Like January 26, 2025 Edited
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Yup it's been me all along! Unless your thinking of another Bryce cause I don't think I remember having curly hair before, I always been a straight hair stallion, maybe cause it's so messy? Also Hi princess Silky!!
Like January 26, 2025