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Pony Consciousness is always Magical Consciousness and Compassionate Consciousness. That is why the Pegasi earned the role of being the shepherds of the weather. That is why the crops grown by Earth Ponies seldom fail and keep everyone well fed and healthy. That is why Unicorns can actually use their magic to help others instead of oppress them. Of course even Ponies can fall. But the wisest Alicorn Princesses can coax even the Celestial bodies. That is why Princess Celestia is so named. Wise and experienced and compassionate Alicorn Princesses can keep the seasons predictable and steady. They can divert asteriods and comets away from Equestria, and keep it centered within the habitable band of their solar system. They can do that.So because they are kind and compassionate, the magic and power of Ponies protects them by working with the material nature and not against it. Thus Ponies are not hurting as much or in the same way as Human Beings hurt. Of course, they are still created beings and their struggles are only too real. They can serve as good exemplars for human beings. The have all the grace and attunement of the Elves, for example, but none of the pride or attachment to one past or another, all of which ended long ago. Elves linger and Human Beings grind, but Equestria and all the Ponies take Rebirth with more ease. So the spirit souls of the Ponies have both serenity and confidence. But their chief virtue is always Friendship. The innate tendecy to consider each other as much as they consider themselves.
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You said it better than I
January 27, 2025