Lucky me I was on duty scouting the skies of Equestria tonight! Princess Luna was very busy working some major moon magic! A total Lunar Eclipse! Us ponies aren't great at holding cellphone cameras st... View MoreLucky me I was on duty scouting the skies of Equestria tonight! Princess Luna was very busy working some major moon magic! A total Lunar Eclipse! Us ponies aren't great at holding cellphone cameras steady anyway, and I still had to fly. I won't say how high I soared to get these pictures for you all, but I almost passed out, the air was getting very thin.
Us Sky Scouts had received an internal memo about this, I don't want to leak official royal missives, but we were instructed by Princess Luna to answer any inquiries that Lunar Eclipses are nothing to fear and that Princess Luna hopes all ponies throughout Equestria and beyond are well and prosperous! Enjoy the pictures!
I, Night Sky, Scout of the Nocturnal Skies of Equestria, offer my sincere and humble salutations to my Princesses. I make my obediences joyfully. To the Princesses of Equestria I dedicate and offer th... View MoreI, Night Sky, Scout of the Nocturnal Skies of Equestria, offer my sincere and humble salutations to my Princesses. I make my obediences joyfully. To the Princesses of Equestria I dedicate and offer this Ode:
My family. I will be commissioning proper portaits of them in as soon as two weeks!
My father was the great stallion Aurorus. He led our family kindly and with strength of character. A more loyal ser... View MoreMy family. I will be commissioning proper portaits of them in as soon as two weeks!
My father was the great stallion Aurorus. He led our family kindly and with strength of character. A more loyal servant Princess Celestia never had. He did more to keep the night skies of Equestria safe than any pony, and this is why Princess Celestia appointed him as one of her seniormost Stewards. I follow on in his footsteps under Princess Luna, but I am not my father and that's okay. Few ponies can be his equal. I wish I'd known him better and I miss him.
My mother is the Widow Albeda. She served alongside my father in Princess Celestia's service for a number of years, but children were her dearest wish, and my father never once denied her anything that I'm aware of. He left her well provided for too, so now mom serves in a variety of capacities to see to it that every pony in Equestria is given what they need to live a good life. She has the dignity of a Princess, but she feels only compassion and goodwill towards every pony and makes that her focus. Of course, she misses father terribly and in that regard she is a very sad and lonely old Mare. She is intensely private and sometimes I feel like I don't know her terribly well either. But I do not kid myself, I know very well of her love for me and my sister, her pride. Her consolation that perhaps some part of what she and father shared lives on in my sister and I.
My big sister is Penumbra. Like my parents and I, she too served Princess Celestia as a Sky Scout for a good number of years. Almost everyone in our clan does, at some point in their lives. When Princess Luna returned, Penumbra declined to directly renew her oath of fealty, and retired from being a Sky Scout.
She has returned to Cloudsdale and is known locally as something of a recluse. My big sister practically raised me and even now the bond we share is unbreakable. Still, I can't understand why she has chosen the path that she has. She won't open up. It is a perplexity for me and something of a sticking point. I want to know why. I am also not happy about how matters stand between my mother and my sister. They don't talk much. I suspect my mother expected that Penumbra would be the one to give her grand ponies. I have also not done so afterall.
Our own challenges and losses not withstanding, my family has had an amazing journey, and there is no place I would ever prefer to call my home.
For all my vigilance, there is often naught to report when my shifts end in the morning. It is winter, there's no severe weather even if it's cold. The changelings and dragons do not do as well in the... View MoreFor all my vigilance, there is often naught to report when my shifts end in the morning. It is winter, there's no severe weather even if it's cold. The changelings and dragons do not do as well in the cold, so there's not any unusual activity along the border at the moment.
The magical workings of the moon and attending to so many Ponies dreams keeps Princess Luna very busy. I seldom run into her in the skies. Some shifts are patrols of the skies, those are the best. Other times I get stuck on a mountain top or on a cloud formation for a whole shift. Boring. I am a Pegasus, soaring is what I am supposed to do.
All this is to say, tonight I am bored.
When Pinkamena Diane Pie sayz "WHEEE!!!" The rest of us cry out "WHOA!!!"
Pony Consciousness is always Magical Consciousness and Compassionate Consciousness.
That is why the Pegasi earned the role of being the shepherds of the weather. That is why the crops grown by Earth ... View MorePony Consciousness is always Magical Consciousness and Compassionate Consciousness.
That is why the Pegasi earned the role of being the shepherds of the weather. That is why the crops grown by Earth Ponies seldom fail and keep everyone well fed and healthy. That is why Unicorns can actually use their magic to help others instead of oppress them.
Of course even Ponies can fall.
But the wisest Alicorn Princesses can coax even the Celestial bodies.
That is why Princess Celestia is so named.
Wise and experienced and compassionate Alicorn Princesses can keep the seasons predictable and steady. They can divert asteriods and comets away from Equestria, and keep it centered within the habitable band of their solar system. They can do that.
So because they are kind and compassionate, the magic and power of Ponies protects them by working with the material nature and not against it. Thus Ponies are not hurting as much or in the same way as Human Beings hurt.
Of course, they are still created beings and their struggles are only too real.
They can serve as good exemplars for human beings. The have all the grace and attunement of the Elves, for example, but none of the pride or attachment to one past or another, all of which ended long ago.
Elves linger and Human Beings grind, but Equestria and all the Ponies take Rebirth with more ease. So the spirit souls of the Ponies have both serenity and confidence.
But their chief virtue is always Friendship. The innate tendecy to consider each other as much as they consider themselves.
O Princess Luna!
O Light of the Moon and Stars!
O Princess of Equestria!
Watch over us and protect the skies above us!... View MoreO Princess Luna!
O Light of the Moon and Stars!
O Princess of Equestria!
Watch over us and protect the skies above us!
Be with us during all our nightly sojourns,
Be they in dreams or the watches of the small hours!
I pledge my allegiance to You Princess Luna!
I give you my loyalty, my obedience, my vigilance, my industry and my courage.
I will not fail to answer your call and come to your aid, to your elder sister Princess Celestia's aid, and to the aid of Equestria.
I will uphold all of Equestrian law and protect the Ponyland from all dangers, from wherever they arise.
Witness my hoofprint upon this Token and let no Pony gainsay it!
The Princess of Friendship! The controller of the Bright Rays of the Sun!
Om Princess Celestia!
Om Controller of the bright rays of the Sun!
Om Holder of the Magic of Friendship!
Om Ruler of Equestria!... View MoreOm Princess Celestia!
Om Controller of the bright rays of the Sun!
Om Holder of the Magic of Friendship!
Om Ruler of Equestria!
Awaken Your infinite Self which resides in the Heart of all beings everywhere!
Let me take Rebirth in Equestria, that my simultaneous lives in all other worlds, internal and external, are thusly made less wretched!
Om Princess Celestia!
Om Compassion of Princess Celestia!
Om Energy of Princess Celestia!
Om Princess Celestia;
Grant all created beings Pony Consciousness!
Let the promise of Creation be well Fulfilled!
That Thou Art!
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