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Ask Party Promenade
on January 30, 2018
Dimension: 1186 x 1117
File Size: 83.59 Kb
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Orion Pink
"O-oh. Sorry."
Like January 30, 2018
Party Promenade: *sighs* It's fine but next time if ya don't know somepony's gender use pronouns like them or they so you avoid situations like this cause honestly, only PB is a mare. I, however, am not a mare.
Like January 30, 2018
Adrian Coalhopper
No one asked you PB
Like January 30, 2018
Orion Pink
"I guess I'll also drop ma'am or mister or miss, too. Alright"
Like January 30, 2018
Adrian Coalhopper
"Get fucked lol."
Like January 30, 2018