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About Me
//I am a person who is a PC gamer that plays action, visual novel and any other games that interest me, and a musician who can play both violin and piano. I also have a DeviantArt in which I go by Queen-of-Fate and I'm trying to draw more art that I myself draw. I will take requests on my page from time to time though when I do I ask to be patient when I do decide such.
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Entertainment » Musical Instrument
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Company, Organization, or Institution » Cause
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March 18, 2025

//The random bread line ft. Team Rocket

March 18, 2025

I don't play ponytown much now of days I play on a custom server ashes town don't get me wrong I like pony town it just overly crowded in my opinion in some severs at least
March 19, 2025

//I've also played those before too I'm just now getting back to those little by little
March 19, 2025
Beautiful Love, the younger sister of PB. Though separated from each other at her birth Beautiful Love was put up for adoption in a foster home within the multuverse. Now was the foster home a good one only time would tell.
As a filly Beautiful Love had to put all her faith in the caretakers provided for her and the others. She was a special foal one of the few born as an alicorn. Those with control over the foster homes' finances treated Beautiful Love better than the other fillies and foals. Their hope was to be heavily rewarded by the one who would adopt Beautiful Love. Though the nanny of all the children deemed it best that all children be loved and cared for regardless of their appearance and worth. The nanny did her best and protected the children even when the one in control of their financial situation was embezzling funds.
Beautiful Love grew up a bit and learned to be a child much like the others not becoming a spoiled child like most thought she'd become. Eventually she was adopted by none other than Princess Luna who caught wind of the young filly who just so happened to also be an alicorn as well as have a similar coat color albeit brighter in comparison. Beautiful Love was eventually taken care of by Luna and 2 unique guards under Luna that were different from the normal bat pony guards.
Now the universe she was in was very similar to the main core of the multiverse. The rulers being Princess Celestia and Princess Luna a bit after Twilight's crowning as the princess of friendship. The only difference being that the former castle of the sun and moon princesses was being rebuilt as a library and historical building with the old design shining through.
Due to these simple differences of the universes within the multiverse PB had a hard time finding her beloved little sister not to mention the differences of time as time also flows differently in some of the universes at times. She continues to try and find any additional information to be able to find her little sister. In order to get that info though she must at least start with the hospital or the foster system in the universe she remembered her little sister being into start and hope for the best.
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When PB lost her memory she felt no rage, no remorse but rather a simple peace that she hadn't felt in a long while. She passed out a way from most civilization not knowing what would await for her. As ponyville became more open to different species she, now a peanut butter pony applied for a role as a royal painter and artist hired by Prince Artemis and later on Princess Luna in another universe. She herself always favored the royalty of the night as if understanding even if just a small bit. With the help of books she learned various things such as making and refining armor and swords as well as learning the simple basics she thought she once lost.
Years later she came across some unordinary ponies and those related to them. She met a baby dragon who was to be her best friend and the one mare who shielded her memory as a child by removing the one moment she was filled with rage. It was hard to believe at first but soon certain details began to make more sense as the empty gaps were filled. Though this odd mare didn't know any more than she did as they both did not know where her dear little sister would be located she joined them and a few others to discover secrets of the universe. She learned the ponies she was traveling with were time lords and ladies along with a friend of theirs who was an immortal being.
She learned things and used that knowledge to perfect her own modified time vortex manipulator and travel through dimensions at particular time frames and locations starting her own secret organization with only herself that was meant to be an extention of the torchwood organization of the Ponyville division. Though a secret to various creatures she made sure to keep a balance of all that she could do and arrive at the correct time she was needed.
During her free time she would be at home trying to fix any issues of her home, make her home bigger, or spend time with her cat Sammy (Ngl I forgot the original name of the cat but it started with an S so i don't know if I'm right on the name). When spending time with her cat she made sure the cat felt very loved though when she was busy she always found someone to care for her while she was away. When she stayed in her studio in Canterlot she always took Sammy with her and kept her indoors at all times unless she had her leash on her to walk Sammy.
PB doesn't always have a great sense of time when doing multiple things such as work correlated to Torchwood and for the rulers of Equestria at the same time as it is uncertain when something is due or if the other will mess up the other. Though she works so hard she tries her best to find the truth of where her beloved sister is located within the multiverse as she works her many jobs.
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//random question of the day from me for the folks that know my character best. How old do you think PB is?
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#rp *she bought a new magic costume this time it gave her a bit of a different ability aside from one she already had* Is this what Pinkie and them see a lot? I mean I heard of beings on the other sid... View More
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