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Crimson Night
March 17, 2018
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Crimson Night
I'm curious which people prefer
Like March 17, 2018
Briea Lyn Miller
I don't prefer either, both have different shows and each service satisfies different show watching needs, so I suggest looking into what shows are where and finding the ones you like
Like March 17, 2018 Edited
Crimson Night
I mean I prefer Netflix because it has shows like Bojack, Stranger things and it has a lot better horror movies on it than Hulu. though my parents say there's nothing on Netflix so they got Hulu and watch shows on there.
Like March 17, 2018
Briea Lyn Miller
I had Netflix for the marvel shows and movies, Hulu is no good for that, I also had it for voltron and stranger things. I got Hulu for Lucifer and anime
Like March 17, 2018
Desert Thorn
I don't really care for either, I'm not one to watch movies or tv.
Like March 17, 2018
But Hulu is the only service that Carries HBO exclusives. Which are pretty good, besides Game of Thrones and eventually Vikings since Nextflix will drop that series one summer rolls around. I really don't watch Netflix cuz there's not any shows other than Stranger Things, so it would be a waste of a... View More
Like March 17, 2018 Edited
Crimson Night
I mean I only really watch it once in a while and when I do it's the shows I've already watched or binged through. Hulu is getting Game of Thrones? interesting. I mean I tried to watch Hulu but... most of the horror movies I saw on there seem like that low buget crap. like Gingerdeadman. Horror movi... View More
Like March 17, 2018
Celtic Cross
Neither bro, books and occasionally the news. Which is barely worth calling news anymore, more like sensationalism.
Like March 17, 2018
Crimson Night
Fake News
Like March 17, 2018
Celtic Cross
If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed. If you watch the news, you're misinformed.
Like March 17, 2018