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Eric Cartman
April 20, 2018
13 votes 154 views
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Bright Brave
Id pay a dollar. Or three
Like April 20, 2018
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Queen Umbra
Well the only thot here is you~
Like April 20, 2018
Eric Cartman
Like April 20, 2018
Bright Brave
Bro bro
Like April 29, 2018
Going off personal experience and also seeing how other artists climb their way up, if you want to do commissions (and you have to WANT to do them, you can't just say "oh, I'll do them, but my heart's not really in it" trust me) you're probably best starting out free. I know it doesn't sound appeali... View More
Like April 29, 2018 Edited
Aye, you just keep on practicing ~
Like April 29, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
not an artist by any means, but i say practice practice practice, until you start getting bombarded with suggestions to start commisions, then it's a sign you've got the ticket for it, or you could do 'em right now anyway. besides no one really has to decide for ya
Like April 29, 2018