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Andrew Marston
June 2, 2018
4 votes 264 views
1 person liked this.
Desert Thorn
You do you ^^ I personally am happy playing my old games.
Like June 2, 2018
Desert Thorn
Huh... I just realized I've bought very few games on/before release. The only notable ones being Them's Fightin' Herds, Pyre, and Nuclear Throne, all of which are indie companies... damn.
Like June 2, 2018
Andrew Marston
Of course. I've already got them all either got them now or PreOrdered. I'm just wanting to see what people want to see more out of me.
Like June 2, 2018
Soarin Feri
Real man play Kirby Star Allies #.#
Like June 2, 2018
Strong Whooves
That is 100% Fact
Like June 2, 2018