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Eric Cartman
June 23, 2018
14 votes 120 views
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Celtic Cross
Walking into a spiderweb and having it caught in your face and hair.
Like June 24, 2018
Bright Brave
Then the spider crawling up into your face
Like June 24, 2018
Celtic Cross
Okay, eww. The teensy weensy spiiider went splat
Like June 24, 2018
Snow Storm
Missing some one :c
Like June 24, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
I'd say getting massively screwed over by someone you trusted feels worse. It's a shitty feeling ON TOP of missing them.
Like June 24, 2018
Snow Storm
Getting screwed over by them so you stop talking to them but they really wanna apologise and you start to miss them and you struggle not to say anything cause you're still mad.
Like June 24, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
Getting screwed over by them and then learning that they never actually cared and were just using you the whole time. That's the best one.
Like June 24, 2018
Crystal Summer
that moment when you are almost asleep, then feel like your falling and shoot right back up almost fully awake
Like June 24, 2018
Having a really good dream and waking up to the sad reality
Like June 26, 2018