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October 15, 2018
36 votes 459 views
I actually am gathering research for a University project I am working on and I feel like this a prime place for data gathering, within the pony fandom! As a bit of background on the project, it focuses on "Cultural Icons" which are basically something physical or even constructs that are created by society, but also create society. Things as simple as smart phones, and things as complex as Men's Beard Culture-there are many cultural icons! Mine specifically focuses on a fascination of mine: Plu... View More
8 people like this.
Aurora Cassiopeia
I have a plush unipone that I cuddle when I'm feeling sad or having trouble sleeping. She's sooooo warm and soft and cuddly...
Like October 16, 2018
Desert Thorn
// I have a Rarity, Trixie, Gilda, Lyra, Apple Fritter, and Nala plushie cx I like them a lot... not counting the lil' cutesy stuffed animals from when I was younger, I don't care for them as much although I once used to. >.>
Like October 16, 2018
Acoustic Pulse
Had a few. Let my sister have them. I had the little plastic ones too.
Like October 18, 2018
I've always had and have a few plushies, but at the moment I only cuddle with my Twi plush when I feel sad or have trouble sleeping. Her mane and tail are almost as soft as silk and feel great when you touch them with your face.
Like October 18, 2018