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Aurora Cassiopeia
October 17, 2018
23 votes 130 views
Just as the question asks, who do you think is fit to rule the nation of ponies? Are Celly and Lulu good enough, or is there somepony better?
2 people like this.
Slurpee Hooves
Who the fuck is Akira?
Like October 22, 2018
Knight’n Game
I love how twi got no votes.
Like October 22, 2018
Octavia Philharmonica
Well twilights great and all but shes definitely not ready to rule equestria
Like October 23, 2018
Garrett Armock
yeah, twili is not the best, i beleive in luna being ruler.
Like October 23, 2018
Odd to say that I believe Chrysalis has the capability to do so. She's always established a strong since of pride and family unity of her Changelings. The fact that she was not only stripped away from her kind, was also replaced in rule by the very changeling that started it all, bleh Thorax. With t... View More
Like October 23, 2018