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Knight’n Game
December 3, 2018
7 votes 281 views
Just want to know how others see my skills...
3 people like this.
I'm sorry. Keep practicing tho, you can get there.
Like December 3, 2018
I’d say practise a little more though you are always free to try
Like December 3, 2018
The advice I can give you, is to start looking at references, not just looking at it. But really studying. How they look, range of motion, drawing piece by piece. If you want my honest opinion, no. I feel you need a bit more improvement in anatomy building. Stay consistent, so much so you carry a s... View More
Like December 3, 2018
I noticed that you draw in a semi realistic design.
Like December 3, 2018
Knight’n Game
little bit of a downer but i get it...
Like December 3, 2018