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Male. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on April 15, 1994
Nah I'm terrible at running.
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25 M
I'm here for the RP
Roleplay Universe
Equestria Extended
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Education
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
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Nitroxus Soulspins
//My bad a day late. *Nitroxus floated on top of a bubble and popped the bubble to land in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Wow nitro, hiw didja know I needed (insert gift here)?
Like April 18, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Inside was the one gift that they truly wanted.* Well, I got it from a magical gift giving tree.
Like April 18, 2023
Oh, well it's a good thing she knew what you ought to bring, we play kitecatching on Tuesdays.
Like April 19, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh epic! The tree is such a friend.
Like April 19, 2023
I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know crazy and silly. I perceive that this also was a tilting at windmills. For in much wisdom, is much grief. And he that increaseth smarts, increaseth sads.
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A burden worthy of having, in the end.
Like December 10, 2022
What is a think? The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma... *sound of thought bubble opening up to a carton of milk tipping over*
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Dream Vezpyre
Do not even think Dex just pat head.
Like June 26, 2020
*was already actively patting Dream's head* Huh? what? Sorry I'm having tangential thoughts.
Like June 26, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Dream doesn't understand what a tangential or a thought even means. She does make happy mute pony noises in response to said pats though. Epic.
Like June 26, 2020 Edited
SadDex by ModularPon
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Dream Vezpyre
Aw :c Dream would gladly harass Dexa for pats in an attempt to give emotional support.
Like June 25, 2020 Edited
Dex would pull in Dream for pats and hugs
Like June 25, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
The smoll thing meep and threw her hooves around him to squeeze as tight as those little hooves could.
Like June 25, 2020
Vy Thresh
Eyy, good to see you again!
Like June 25, 2020
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Vy Thresh
How's life been treatin' ya?
Like June 25, 2020
moved to a new place, in the middle of looking for a job and getting paperwork together for a transfer licence and so on
Like June 25, 2020
Vy Thresh
Ooh, I see. Best of luck with it all!
Like June 25, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Dex is and has been pondering for awhile now. With Clyde giving him the silent treatment, he's been pretty much left to his own devices. Groaning in frustration in hbis inability to think of a thing ... View More
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After staring at the paper for a good long while, Dex closes the notebook, trots over to his couch and lays down. He didn't even draw a thing. He just looked over the ages trying t think of something to put down and couldn't do that. He proceeds to throw his hooves in the air exasperatedly before c... View More
Like February 23, 2020
Happy singles awareness day! Art by Lunar Eclipse
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story of my life :D
Like February 14, 2020
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This is... pretty ominous...
Like February 12, 2020
Abby is sitting across from at her kitchen table. Honestly, she likes hanging out with him cause he's one of those people who she never feels like she needs to say things like "I'm sorry" or "... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would write a few letters to certain ponies in the wide world of Equestria, in no particular order. He would jump into their mailboxes so he could see their faces as he gave them the letter.... View More
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