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Rose Budd
February 9, 2019
9 votes 327 views
Ok here are the parameters
1. Must have military or previous guard background
2. Mares have a higher chance than Stallions (I didn’t make up these rules here don’t hate just fact)
3. Must be “in shape and had previously not committed any major crimes”
4. Must pass a entrance quiz (will post later)
5. Must comment WHY you want to be a personal guard to the Prince
Thank you and I look forward to your answers,
Corporal Rose Budd of Artemis’s Personal Guard
4 people like this.
Rainbow Chaser
I do believe that as a pegasus, i am capable ao the task pertaining to the skies and will be honoured to be a Lunar in training.
Like March 4, 2019
Raijin Ha
"I'm assigned for both day and night duty, so that means you can see me in different shifts."
Like March 4, 2019
Yeah, because I really like helping others!
Like March 27, 2019
"well, i dont really like fighting, and i would think that would be an issue." he stated bluntly.
Like March 27, 2019