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Trixie Lulamoon
August 17, 2019
10 votes 291 views
Hey all! So, those of you who showed interest in joining the RP. I just made a new discord account, and It was reccommended to me to potentially move it over to discord.
I'm here to ask what Y'all would rather do: Move or stay?
This is entirely up to Y'all, and I WILL move all my lore over to Discord into its own neat little tab in a group specially made for the AU.
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I'm in the middle because well, some people either don't have an account there/can't make one, and it might be hard for them to keep up with it, but it would also be easier because, as far as I know, there's not /quite/ as much of a rule there against blood and shit like that
Like August 17, 2019
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Trixie Lulamoon
Either way, updates to the RP will be shared here. And, if enough people call for it to come back, I might make a CA branch of it or something.
Like August 17, 2019
Ah, ok then, don't mind me, uhhh, I didn't really read through other comments like I normally do before I posted this one oof
Like August 17, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
It's fine! Don't worry about it Hymn :P
Like August 17, 2019
Marcus Amai
Well darn...guess I'll have to make a discord account.
Like August 17, 2019
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Oh, it's not set up yet. Trixie will make a server if it's decided it's moving
Like August 17, 2019
Marcus Amai
Like August 17, 2019
Trixie Lulamoon
The server is for the most part set up, But I'll not be sharing the invite link until all votes are in or people stop paying attention to the poll itself
Like August 17, 2019
Ebon Heart
Keep in mind, that I’m the same guy that is Sky Fall. I’d be down with moving to a discord server))
Like August 17, 2019
Trixie Lulamoon Welcome, y'all, to the Swarmling AU.
Like August 17, 2019
Like August 17, 2019