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Sunshine Serenade (Mods)
October 14, 2019
44 votes 417 views
Greetings, everyone!
This poll is a bit different, as it is an administrative poll, more than anything else. We would like your feedback on this, as this is a subject in which we take very seriously. Ensuring that our users are safe here at Canterlot Avenue, is one of our main priorities. Most importantly, however, the safety of our younger users is one of our top priorities.
So, today, you get to be a part in providing feedback as to what your thoughts on in seeing features that revolved prot... View More
12 people like this.
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Hmmm... While I agree with protecting minors, I can't help but wonder how you'd get around people lying about their age... And how invasive it would be, because let's be honest, how can you know for sure over the internet without prying into privacy? I have serious trust issues about that. But... De... View More
Like October 14, 2019
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Ambient Waves
Have two ages, a hidden age they should enter their Irl that doesn't show on profiles and then have one for oc?
Like October 14, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
I'm glad. That makes me feel a lot better, thank you Corona.
Like October 14, 2019
Ambient Waves
If you do, do that you need to make sure that it's clearly viable like For your protection we would recommend your real age for your safety from online predictors if found. THIS CAN'T BE SEEN BY ANYONE BUT YOU AND SITE OWNER [ text Box] ... View More
Like October 14, 2019 Edited
Teddy Bear
I feel like there aren't many features that can be put in place, but rather additional rules to protect minors. Yes. when I was 12 I put my character's age as 18! So a feature revolving around that would be good, something to show separation of admin and character. But again, I think rules that prot... View More
Like October 14, 2019
I just honestly don't think it would be a good investment of time. People can always lie.
Like October 15, 2019
Badge for your age range? Like 13 and under get Foal Badge, 13 to 17 get a Yearling Badge, and 18+ get Grown Pony Badge. They don't have to do anything special, but you can tell if someone is a minor or not. Also lying doesn't provide any benefits since you still get a badge regardless of age. Edit... View More
Like October 15, 2019 Edited
Sophie H.
I like this one
Like October 15, 2019