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March 11, 2020
22 votes 286 views
lots of different ways ponies can be other than pony. what one do you like the best?
1 person liked this.
Chiller Sway
To clerify I like to see anthros with ears/tail because it's adorbs but I'd never design one that way.
Like March 11, 2020
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Toonbat does some great anthro designs with hands and rear hooves :D
Like March 11, 2020
Chiller Sway
Ok this is a valid point
Like March 11, 2020
So does Lula you heck
Like March 11, 2020
Lula Vieve
I like giving them human anatomy but with poby face and back hooves I just think it's neat
Like March 11, 2020 Edited
Chiller Sway
Yeah see those are the adorbs but not stuff I would degisn or ask commissioned. But it looks nice
Like March 11, 2020
it is neat :D
Like March 12, 2020
I did not foresee this tie :3
Like March 23, 2020