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Talon Brush
December 21, 2020
3 votes 273 views
Thinking about selling my PS4 and using the money to get myself a Roku streaming stick the reason for this is that most of the games I have on the PS4 are also on pc and I can take my pc gaming laptop anywhere with controller support for ps4 and Xbox. So right now the only reason I use my PS4 now is for movie/show streaming services like Netflix not to mention the heat generated by my console heats up the room fast and it sucks cause I live in Florida.
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Chiller Sway
I mean if you don't dig exclusives, fair game. I just wonder why not make your laptop the streaming machine. It'd certainly be cheaper (and more user friendly) than buying the Roku stick to instead run a single HDMI and maybe a wireless mouse
Like December 21, 2020
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Talon Brush
I have a 23 inch monitor hooked up to my lap top and 45-50 inch tv as well that is hooked up to my PS4 so i do have a bigger screen and stick comes with HD, HDR, and 4k support and as for PS4 exclusives im not too hellbent on those really
Like December 21, 2020
Talon Brush
Besides it will be a while before i get a ps5 due to the fact that the current library of games is small and i would rather wait until the slim version is out because the current console is so damn big and i would only buy PS exclusives only. But yea right now i do have a big tv screen that would be... View More
Like December 21, 2020
Chiller Sway
USB 3.0 to HDMI exists if you're otherwise out of ports. But I suppose once you start getting into that territory, for some people it can seem like overengineering a solution. I love it though. If simplicity is what you're after, I guess a stick does the job.
Like December 21, 2020
Ruby Sapphire
Why not? If you no longer have a use for it and can play all your games elsewhere. Go ahead
Like March 3, 2021 Edited