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Talon Brush
October 27, 2021
4 votes 225 views
after playing Them's Fightin Herds and seeing the Gen 5 movie/ pilot would you rather see the new generation MLP series or would like to see a Them's Fightin Herds Series based on the game inspired by the gen 4 show?
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Icy Creation
I've never played Them's Fightin Herds, but even if I had, nothing that's set in the same universe as Gen 4 and has /Izzy/ in it cant be all bad, so I'd say Gen 5.
Like October 27, 2021 Edited
Talon Brush
TBF other fighting games like BlazeBlue and street fighter had their own TV / anime series and or mini series and i think what makes TFH interesting is that it was originally a MLP fan game called Mane 6 (ironic right lol that and one of the characters is voiced by the godess Tara Strong) like if bo... View More
Like October 27, 2021
Bright Brave
BOTH !!!
Like October 27, 2021