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Ambient Waves
January 16, 2022
18 votes 278 views
Talk to animals or be able to speak every language.
1 person liked this.
Thornberry mode or unilanguage?
Like January 17, 2022
Animals have far more interesting things to say than people
Like January 17, 2022
Cakepop The Baker
Loophole, all the languages includes animal languages
Like January 17, 2022
People be like "animals would be better, cuz humans BAD" but in all reality it would be Dog "WHERE BALL? PETS?!! SQUIRRELS! cat " fuck off food provider, I'm trying to sleep" Horse "I once lived free in the wild and now I live in a box, I only get to run free when you want enjoyment, why would I tal... View More
Like January 17, 2022
Cakepop The Baker
My ferrets would probably be talking to fast for me to understand, those bitches probably snorted like 15 lines bro
Like January 17, 2022