With all the yummy foods out there I want to know, what's your favorite pastry? by Silver Stream on March 26, 2018 6 votes 85 views
If you were to give your loyalty to one Equestrian princess, who would it be? by Silver Stream on March 26, 2018 23 votes 114 views
If the ponies of Equestria were to split into factions based on race and went to war, who would win? by Silver Stream on March 26, 2018 18 votes 66 views
If you were able to have one superpower what would it be? by Silver Stream on March 26, 2018 9 votes 49 views
Which battle royale game do you find more appealing? by Silver Stream on March 25, 2018 6 votes 53 views
If you were able to choose one of the mane six to be your best friend forever, who would it be? by Silver Stream on March 25, 2018 12 votes 64 views
Should the late Tom Clancy's name be on The Division and The Division 2, two games he didn't live long enough to write nor endorse? by Slurpee Hooves on March 20, 2018 6 votes 271 views
What gave you chills/choked you up during the mlp movie? by Eric Cartman on March 16, 2018 7 votes 66 views