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Princess Bluemoon
January 25, 2018
720 views 17 plays
A quiz about knowing all of what blackjack has done, has seen, and who she is, and what she does.
What is Blackjack's favorite quote?
Who does she admire most?
Who is blackjack?
Who taught Blackjack to help
Who did Blackjack keep alive
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Lula Vieve
Hehehehe only one right
Like January 25, 2018
Desert Thorn
I'm tempted to eventually read it? But honestly I think the first Fallout: Equestria is enough for me. Still... I'm curious about tHE cHoIR. -edit- That doesn't mean I want any more spoilers about it though >.>
Like January 27, 2018 Edited
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Desert Thorn
I was looking around at the different F:oE songs and someone made some 'music' to go with it.
Like January 27, 2018
Princess Bluemoon
Uh? Music?...... Hmm
Like January 27, 2018
Desert Thorn
"Music" for lack of a better term. I suppose 'ambient horror track' would be more fitting.
Like January 27, 2018
Spectrum Wave & Others
1 right. Never read the Fallout Equestria stories, but surprisingly enough I knew who she admired.
Like January 27, 2018
Princess Bluemoon
How did you know?
Like January 27, 2018
Spectrum Wave & Others
I dunno, I guess from one time reading a bit about the character in the wiki and coming across that she was fond of the one I picked.
Like January 27, 2018
Monarch Masquerade
Hmm I got forty percent, not bad for a pony who knows nothing about you.
Like February 13, 2018
Princess Bluemoon
Like February 13, 2018