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Velvet Night

Female. Born on July 25, 2001
Misc. RP Information
Ahh yes, the most hated thing to any roleplayer. But like most professional roleplayer, I have rules. I have been roleplaying for the past seven years and have learned some things now. I'll try to keep the rules as short and sweet as possible but I can't promise you anything.
★Friend Requests★
I cannot accept just any old friend request! Please only add me if you plan to roleplay with me, though there are some quick guidelines I'd like to follow when I friend someone.
*Please no names with we... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Everfree, Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Banana Yellow
Eye Color
Bright Green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
With a slim yet slightly muscular build, Velvet stands at a height that is average to most mares. Her body is covered with a light banana yellow, with scars here and there due to accidents from guard work. On her rump and up her back is a light brown fade in which is covered in slightly darker brown freckles all over the area. Same goes along her muzzle and along her cheeks under her eyes. Between her eyes she has a piercing along her bridge and below that, her septum pierced. In between those t... View More
Stormy weather, sweaters, writing, sleeping
Sunny days, snow, crowds
Detailed Personality
A mare that can be considered quite to herself from the outside. She tends to do things alone whether it be dinner, coffee or even patrolling the streets of Canterlot. She's bad at making friends, her ADHD making social contact difficult, she won't usually be the one to strike up a conversation, unless she finds interest in your demeanor. She will, of course, always be willing to talk when you're at her store looking around for things, especially since it's her main interest. Once you're able to... View More
Royal Guard and Shop Owner
Las Pegasus
Assets / Bits / Property
★ assets ★
There are few must-haves that Velvet wears every time she leaves her home. One is her glasses, being that she can barely see without them, another is all of her facial jewelry so none of the holes close up. Lastly is a crystal necklace of some sort. The crystal she chooses depends on the day.
★ property ★
Aside from her day job, she owns a quaint little shop in the shopping center of Canterlot in which goes by the name of Full Moon Manor: Psychic Readings and Witchcraft. She makes and se... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 25, 2001
Last Login:
February 27, 2024
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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