*continuation of The new bloom*
Honey was slowly relaxing from the sudden shock of the experimental magic. It felt stretched out and a little sore. It was feeling something new. Something moving inside of it. Honey ignored this for now and opened its cleched petals. It was overwhelmed by the sudden and surprising light. The light seemed to dim down for Honey and it took in the surroundings. Green everywhere. Plants that were previously systems of colored light were now different than what Hon...
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Shining down on the forest below, plants bathe in the sun's glorious light. Wind blows calmly through the trees' leaves. The nearby river flowed smoothly and occasionally licked at the bank. The flowers awoke and revealed their beautiful colors. Steps in the grass moved through the grassy terrain, closer and closer the garden of new and old blooms alike. More so to the red flower that stood out of all of them. The steps stopped right in front of it...
Then, the flower felt something... It cou...
Once upon a time, in a kingdom that no longer exists, there lived three princes. The youngest was reckless and always getting into trouble. The middle was... indifferent to just about everything. He didn't care to do anything if something threatened his kingdom. And the eldest, always trying to control everything and hates it when he can't. Unknown to them, they tortured their citizens. Their from families would get injured by youngest one's antics. They get no support from the princes, and whe...
As the sun rises and its light pours over the land, a little filly is awoken. She smiles brightly and leaps off the bed on to the carpeted floor. She turned to the door and creaked it open. She checked the halls and proceeded to excitedly rush to the master bedroom. She peeks inside and creeps up to the side of the bed. She pounces on the unsuspecting stallion under the sheets. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME! IT'S TIIIIIIME!" The orange stallion wakes up startled. "WHA- WHAT... Wha... What's time?...