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Snowy Do
Once again Snowy visits lounge, but this time he was going for a drink he kind of needed one at this stage because somewhere along the line he had gotten hurt... he had hurt ribs and a couple of bruis... View More
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She looks just a little alarmed at the stranger coming in. "Goodness, who did you get into a fight with? It wasn't outside, was it? Do I need to bite someone?"
August 13, 2019

Snowy Do
"An outdoor one. I'm an adventurer more of a treasure hunter. I go around from time to time looking for ancient tombs and lost cities." He explained. "Apple cider please."
August 14, 2019

She slides the glass away and snags a flagon, moving over to a tap. "Okay, but how does that translate to getting beat up? I do hope no one stole your findings..." she says in a worried tone as she slides his mug of cider over.
August 15, 2019

Snowy Do
"They almost did.... hehe." Snowy chuckled softly but winced afterwards because his sides kind of hurt. "I found a very ancient a powerful one at that, but in the wrong hooves quite deadly." He explained as he picked up the mug with his magic before taking a sip. "Wooo! That's a good! Tasting apple ... View More
August 15, 2019