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Ebon Heart
*Ebon Heart quietly trots in and takes a look around, then decides to take a seat at the bar. He patiently waits for somepony to take his order. He was so quiet that if they didn’t hear the door open,... View More
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Thankfully Cirra relies not on her hearing, but her Mom Sense to notice someone needs served, and pokes her head out of the back before waving. "Hello there, welcome. What are you thirsty for?" she asks with a toothy grin as she notices the guest.
August 13, 2019

Ebon Heart
*He eyes the bar carefully, taking in the fish based goodies there. He looks to Cirra and says* “The Coltifornia Roll does looks good, may I purchase some?” *He tilts his head in question*
August 13, 2019

"Good choice-my second favorite next to the Dragon Rolls." she says witha toothy grin. "Any particular number of pieces you want?" she says as she moves over to the bar, tail flicking behind her.
August 14, 2019

Ebon Heart
“Two will be fine, thank you.” *He nods as he takes another look around. He says* “The Turnip Lounge. An interesting name for a bar if you do not mind me saying.”
August 14, 2019