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Talon Brush
on February 14, 2024 131 views
What has pink hearts, flowers, romance, and horses? Does anyone know? WRONG! It's Hearts and Hooves Day! But a better question is, what exactly is this thing anyway? Tune in with your favorite flavor tub of ice cream as we try to figure it out! There's no time to be lonely when there's ponies to fill the void!
Insanely Idiotic - Billy Madison
Ship It! - ColeyDoesThings
Green Lantern gets Pummeled - Justice League War
Epic Facepalm - The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
So Uncivilized - Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
My Little Pony Season 2 Episode 17 Hearts and Hooves Day
My Little Pony Season 8 Episode 10 The Break Up Break Down
Tell Your Tale Season 1 Episode 44 Secret Ad-Mare-er
"If you don't buy shiny expensive gifts, how will your special somepony know you love them?" - Corporations like Hasbro probably
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Talon Brush
This vid just hits right haha
Like February 14, 2024
Watching for the plot
Like February 14, 2024 Edited