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Female. Lives in Somewhere,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on February 14, 1998
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“Buzz buzz” #rp
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"Where's my bug spray, I hear something buzzing around."
Like Yesterday, 8:27 am
“Gasp! So rude.”
Like Yesterday, 8:28 am
"...Where's my bible, the bug is talking! Demon bug!"
Like Yesterday, 8:44 am
“I’m a batty bee!”
Like Yesterday, 10:07 am
Butchie Callihan
She would get the fly swatter. "Damn. That's a big ass bug. Guess I should teach it a lesson." She would whip the swatter at a chair and it broke a perfect swatter sized square. The swatter making a wild whipping sound that of pure strength. Yikes...
Like Yesterday, 10:06 am Edited
“Hmm, I wonder what that could do to me? Batty bee squares?”
Like Yesterday, 10:07 am
Butchie Callihan
She would get close and said with a smile, "Hey, You don't have to wonder any longer." She would smile she would ready her wand in almost a charging look. Her veins would pop from her arms and face. She would pivot behind her."Ahugghhh" She would swing at the air in front of her so hard that it wa... View More
Like Yesterday, 10:26 am
Sprouting Bulb
Spins gave her a look of disgust.
Like 21 hours ago
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“Can I borrow yours?”
Like 20 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
"..." Spins left, disgusted.
Like 20 hours ago
Like 19 hours ago
So you want to summon a demon. You had everything you needed to do so like the candles, the circle, the offering, and all that good stuff. The only problem is when you had tried, Val appeared instead.... View More
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Queen of Corruption
“Just here to make sure that no demons can be summoned to Equus” Jaslyn stated, she moved to inspect the circle, she was figuring out how to dispel the summoning ritual to leave it non functional. So no horrifying demons would come and bring about Equus’
Like September 12, 2024
“Oh, in that case off to the next sod.” In flash of a cyan flame the batty was gone.
Like September 12, 2024
Butchie Callihan
"....." Butchie would hum and cackle. "Clear your schedule, bat. I have... New products to try on you. Oh my god..." She would have bent down and would bring a chest that was nearly two times her size. She set the chest down and opened it to show newly made clothes. "Now... Get naked. We got clot... View More
Like September 12, 2024
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Butchie Callihan
"I think you are going to love this. This months theme is a bit different. Cyberpunk. Badassery unleashed in blood, sweat, and tears in the city if neon." She would roll over what was a clothing rack on wheels. Butchie would chuckle and would feel her arms. She would give ger a good look and said, "... View More
Like September 12, 2024
She looked the jeans over, a curious design. One leg after another she slipped into the jeans. They proved rather snug as the edges caressed up along her legs, halting at her rear. A quick tug and the jeans made it over, somewhat of subtle jiggle in its wake. The batty checked herself over. These j... View More
Like September 12, 2024
Butchie Callihan
She would have gotten black socks. "Black socks are a must! The socks are made with love and comfort. She would pick her legs up to slide the socks on. "Tall boots to let people know you ain't playin' and expecting to get dirty in the feet. " Butchie would unravel the shoes and undo them. She would... View More
Like September 12, 2024
"...I can't sleep."
Like September 12, 2024
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"Am.. Am I susposed to be asleep ?" He asked, Still waiting for him to instantly fall asleep, Clutching his Carrot plushie tightly and dragging a Blanket that was WAAAAAAAAYYY too small for him.
Like September 12, 2024
“Well you’ve only have to ask. Using the powers temporarily bestowed on me I can put you to your much desired deep sleep.”
Like September 12, 2024
"...Why Do I feel like there's a catch, Like you'll put me into deep sleep but have control over the dream... Am I getting warm ?"
Like September 12, 2024
“I promise there’s more to me than my looks.” #rp
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Queen of Corruption
Jazz looked down at her phone, nodding at the social media page of valora .”it appears you also enjoy mass uploading memes.”
Like September 2, 2024
“I dabbled in it within my past. Not so much as of late.”
Like September 2, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"No need to tell me Val I already know there is, for you and your sister. You two are important friends to me even if you can be a bit of a handful sometimes." He chuckled.
Like September 2, 2024
“A little discord makes life more interesting. I can have my moments though.”
Like September 2, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"Heh ya that is true, though no matter how chaotic you can be or how little your sister may show her emotions, I still love the two of you, just how you are."
Like September 3, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Yes? I'm interested in your mind.
Like September 2, 2024
“Like a zombie?”
Like September 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Not that far invested in your mind.
Like September 3, 2024
Sky Arrow
“Oh, I’m sure there is! But why mess with perfection, right?” The blue pegasus remarked, leaning back against the wall with a very smug expression.
Like September 2, 2024
“It’s bad to break someone’s heart. Break their bones instead, they have plenty of those.” #rp
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Bright Brave
Oof. Ow. MY BONES !
Like September 1, 2024
Queen of Corruption
“Someone having a rough time, scorned lover? Out for revenge or something else?” Jazz said, spying from above them. She simply just floated
Like September 1, 2024
Knight Wolf
Knight slowly comes up closer to her, "Umm... am I ... should I be expecting broken bones sometime soon?" he asks
Like September 3, 2024
soundwave agreed.
Like September 3, 2024
*stab stab stab stab*
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Like August 30, 2024
*gasp* Noooooo
Like August 30, 2024
Like August 30, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*this wouldn't hurt her but it was enough to annoy the goddess to have you thrown into Tartarus*
Like August 30, 2024
Starbound Florans are invading again
Like August 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would look at Valora as she would stab his sack of flour. He was confused.* Why are you attacking the flour?
Like August 31, 2024
Well can’t post all of it, but I can show this of what I dids. It’s
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Bright Brave
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na bat pone!
Like August 29, 2024
I smite thee
Like August 29, 2024
Bright Brave
You dare try to use my own spells against me Potter?
Like August 29, 2024
You've gotten really good with your faces and pony heads ^w^
Like August 29, 2024
Thank you ^^
Like August 29, 2024
You are very much welcome! ^w^
Like August 29, 2024
Knight Wolf
"Val is obviously the more attractive of the two," Knight says as he studies the picture for quite a while
Like August 29, 2024
Dame, making art but then realizing it’s too far cooked to actually post it
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Bright Brave
Post post post post post post post post post post
Like August 28, 2024
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Bright Brave
"You dare practice such foul smut !?!?!?! Die heretic!!!" *heavy bolter and lazcannon noises*
Like August 28, 2024
Bleh 😵
Like August 28, 2024
Bright Brave
Oh no. I didn't really want to kill them. 😢
Like August 28, 2024
Some arts I’m doing, need to fix the shirt later
9 people like this.
looks cool! :D keep up the good work
Like August 27, 2024
Like August 27, 2024
Bunneh, Love the vibe they give off ^^
Like August 27, 2024
My first time doing a rabbit tbh, it’s been fun to doodle so far
Like August 27, 2024
Well It's wonderful for a first time drawing a rabbit, keep it up!, Plus now chu are double lucky! uwu
Like August 27, 2024
Yippee 😁
Like August 27, 2024
Some unfinished art I’m working on
“It’s true, I have a KFC addiction.” #rp
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King Artemis
Like August 22, 2024
“I don’t need to take this sass from some half-baked genderbend. Be gone!”
Like August 22, 2024
"...I thought I burned every single one of them down!"
Like August 22, 2024
“You better not have or I’ll be having rabbit in my stew tonight!”
Like August 22, 2024
The Ghostling just stared a Val, With his fur covered in Soot from his Burning Frenzy!
Like August 23, 2024
Knight Wolf
"I used to, now i prefer grilled chicken instead of fried," he says munching on grilled chicken
Like August 22, 2024
“Yeah but.. the big chicken meal box. Noms noms.” Val was lost in some ramblings.
Like August 23, 2024
Knight Wolf
He watched her nom happily, "Youre adorable," he says with a grin
Like August 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Valora, this is an AAA Meeting. Anxiety Acceptation Anonymous. I think you're in the wrong room.
Like August 23, 2024
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