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Withered Noctua

Female. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on June 9, 2001
Detailed Personality
Noctua is silent and soft-spoken, but rarely says a word. it's hard to get a full conversation out of her. she takes things as they come, and can be extremely fearful.
sells pinecones, feathers and bones
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
she has the remarkable, yet unknown, ability to raise small creatures and plants from the dead using her magic. doing this is incredibly exhausting, and causes her to leak tears unwillingly as a result.
-basic unicorn spells
-revival of small creatures
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 9, 2001
Last Login:
January 27, 2020
Member Since:
July 20, 2019
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