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Chiara Riviera

Other. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. 22 years old
Misc. RP Information
[RULE ONE:] I don't want any NSFW content in my DMs, or on my page. Whether it's OOC or IC, it just straight up makes me really uncomfortable. If you send it, especially if you send it more than once, I'm going to block you, no questions asked. Like I said, it really makes me uncomfortable.
[RULE TWO:] Please, when you're roleplaying with me, please, please be narrative with me! I get that not everyone can write a thousand-word response, and I'm not expecting someo... View More
Common locations your character will be
Cloudsdale, Manehattan
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A pair of wings with a sun and raindrops.
Design Description
( art by oni :) )
Detailed Personality
Chiara Riviera outwardly displays a friendly, calm, and generally easygoing personality. Unfortunately, this is mostly a façade. Inwardly, a lot of Chiara's childhood personality remains. She's generally distrusting, a bit quick to anger, and highly competitive, Chiara keeps this part of her personality generally on lockdown. The only time some of those traits shine through is during her races, where she gets extremely competitive to a fault. Most of her inner personality is something she tries ... View More
Wonderbolt Rookie
A Riviera Town in Bridlely.
High School. Flight Academy.
Detailed History
(smack a synopsis here)

For specific instances of Lore and Chiara's history, please check out some of the links below :).
here and here!
Assets / Bits / Property
☀ Her mother's restaurant, named Chiara's, and upstairs apartment. Chiara's main place of living.
☀ Cheap studio apartment in Cloudsdale, which she rents out during off-seasons of training.
☀ A very hefty sum of bits. Due to her employment as a Wonderbolt, Chiara makes a lot of money. Most of her money goes to help her mom's restaurant.
[Scarf:] Given to her on the day she left her home country by her Grandfather, she wears it all the time, except when in... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
[Flying:] Flying is Chiara's exclusive special talent, the very thing she'd earned her Cutie Mark for. She's an exceptional flier, having learned how to fly as fast as she can due to being a paperpony in Manehattan. Eventually, this talent would earn her a place in the Wonderbolts.
[Cooking:] Growing up with a mother who moved to Equestria to open a restaurant, Chiara often helped with her mother's restaurant. She can cook very well, but not nearly as well as her mo... View More
Basic Info
Last Login:
October 11, 2022
Member Since:
July 13, 2021
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