Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
MLP Canonical/Extended Universe, plus PoTP and FS campaigns
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Cynbel Ferode Zero Sunrise
Cynbel pops a party popper right in front of Zero's face.
"Happy birthday. I ate all of the cake already, but you can have a candle."
The candle was half-eaten.
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Zero Sunrise
Zero leapt back in surprise and coughed as the smell of burnt gunpowder hit the back of his throat. Now with his voice a little hoarse, he replied. "T-Thanks. Wait, you ATE the cake without me? I thought that was supposed to be for me?!" He hated to sound entitled but he was pretty sure the pony who... View More
June 4, 2019

Zero Sunrise
He had been about to go back with a snarky reply when he caught on to the tone. The corners of his mouth turned up as he turned Cynbel's own words against him. "Somepony sounds keen," he said with a smirk, "I get the feeling this isn't just for my benefit..."
June 13, 2019

Cynbel Ferode
"I just want to see the pinball machines!" Cynbel huffed, crossing his legs in a fit of anger. "...I miss my high score, is all."
June 13, 2019

Zero Sunrise
"Uh, huh," Zero said evilly, "Don't worry, I won't tell anypony. I'll even pay for the song if you like!" At this point he was pretty sure it was just the pinball machines that had Cynbel interested but the reversal amused him. While he wouldn't needle him about Pumpkin Pete for too long, it was fun... View More
June 13, 2019
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Gamer, Artist, Roleplayer, Techie