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Cynbel Ferode

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on April 19, 1997
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Pretty friendly, love getting to know new people. If you're like me and too shy to send a hello, just boop me and I'll message you back. Have a good one. <3
Roleplay Universe
Canon/Adapted canon.
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Brand or Product » Games/Toys
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Rat Catcher III
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced on some bubbles that he was blowing into the air. He landed in front of the pony and then smiled. He then passed them a large gift* Happy Birthday to you!
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Cynbel Ferode
arising from my grave BRIEFLY just to say: Cynbel uses his rats similar to how Olimar uses his pikmin bye
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Like February 10, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
you can’t punish me, i’m not here
Like February 10, 2023
Polo Fastter
But, is he as small as a pikmin?
Like February 10, 2023
But is he smol?
Like February 11, 2023
Amy Callihan
NEFARIUUM! would pick a fight with his maid in order to impress him. For he is an incredible warrior and has a big chad energy.
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Cynbel Ferode
Cynbel just sipped his tea and watched. Chamomile was no weenie, but she was only mortal. Cynbel did interrupt that he’d be mad if she got hurt. For now, the maid just pretended it was a harmless game of roughhousing.
Like February 9, 2023
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Cynbel Ferode
Chamomile tries to finish the dance fight by spinning on her head. However, she forgot that she was a unicorn, and ended up drilling a threaded hole in to the floor.
Like February 10, 2023
Amy Callihan
He would look down the hole as he laughed. "I'm just that good!" Neffy then pointed at Cyn as he then said. "Come on, Cynnybun, Your turn to do some dancing. "
Like February 10, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
“I’d rather die,” Cynbel scoffed. In fact, he might if he had to dance! The poor man’s body was barely holding together as it was.
Like February 10, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
“I’ve always wondered about being a parent. How ethical is it to squash your child’s bully with a boulder golem?” #rp
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Amy Callihan
"It's not ethical at all. In fact, it's cruel as they could have a wife, kids, and family. So yeah, I condone this behavior!"
Like January 15, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
Cynbel nods. If Nefarious approved it, then it’s good enough for him.
Like January 16, 2023
Chisel hammer
Like January 15, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
omg your mom said the same thing last night
Like January 16, 2023
Chisel hammer
Like January 17, 2023
"Very ethical! so long as the proper Financial damages are restored! Why Ive done it multiple times, and all ive had to to was bribe the judge only a half dozen times!"
Like January 15, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
“Like hush money?” Cynbel tapped his chin. “Mm. Doable. But I’d have to save. It’d help if I looked cuter that day, too.”
Like January 16, 2023
Hush money OR blackmail! Of course youd need to really dig into some ponies pasts to hold it against them when you need it!"
Like January 16, 2023
Trip Wire
Trip gets visibly nervous, but continues feeding Drop his bottle. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He very quickly responds. The police might be using Cynbel to get a recorded confession out of him. Can’t risk it.
Like January 16, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
It likely didn’t help that there was a box-shaped bulge in Cynbel’s scarf. Trip couldn’t have possibly known that these were actually snack cakes he stuffed in his scarf for later. “No, go on. Seriously. I want you to speak freely about this, being a father and all.”
Like January 16, 2023
Trip Wire
Damn it! Those sleazy cops…! But that Cynbel would allow himself to be utilized as bait to trick him into going to jail??? that was an even greater offense! Trip could see the mysterious object’s silhouette drawn from beneath Cynbel’s clothes, it did NOT help his paranoia. “Why, not everybody has a... View More
Like January 16, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
y’all ever get those messages that make you pause and go “why tf would anyone ever send that” there isn’t a recent example for me, but the ones from years ago still haunt me to this day
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Radio Raider
Yes, most of them from u <3
Like January 15, 2023
Trip Wire
"Hrrgnh Mr. Ferode im trying to sneak around but im dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the zombies"
Like January 15, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
fuck all of you
Like January 15, 2023
Squibbly bibbly booooooooo
Like January 15, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
it’s awful typing as a character so viciously mean while you’re just a sad little wad of hamburger meat who’s too afraid to hurt a complete stranger’s feelings
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Polo Fastter
Polo looks at Cynbel while wearing sunglasses. "If I had to insult a stranger right now, who do you think it will be?"
Like January 13, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
“M… Me?”
Like January 14, 2023
Sunset Shimmer
Ha yeah, if you don't have that bone in ya normally, its a tough time to have to be *mean* to somebody in a situation you wouldn't usually BE mean in. xD Just gotta grit your teeth, poke away at the keyboard, do the deed and remind yourself that this is just a part of you that only comes out for mo... View More
Like January 13, 2023
Amy Callihan
Little wad of hamburger meat? Call you a slider. It's time to eat. :rd_sunglasses:
Like January 13, 2023 Edited
Cynbel Ferode
neffy want num-nums!
Like January 14, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
i’m sorry i said that
Like January 14, 2023
Amy Callihan
It's okay. I forgive you. I might beat you up at random but It's fine.
Like January 14, 2023
Amy Callihan
NEFARIOUS! would roll up in his cultish black and marked white carriage to the Ferode household. Quite frankly, he has been here so many times that this was just super extra to show up in something so... View More
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Cynbel Ferode
The maid had kept her hooves busy by sweeping the main hall just moments before. The dust and debris from the outdoors that had accumulated had all been pushed in to a nice pile at the door-side, ready to be swept up in the dustpan. Poor Chamomile slapped the dust off her hooves and grinned. Just on... View More
Like January 1, 2023
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Amy Callihan
He would grin at his eagerness. He would chuckle confidently. "Well, we are going to grab some grub and then maybe..." He would itch his neck and cleared his throat. "Maybe I could stay over for a while. Y'know... My bed frame broke from uhh... Satanic ritual? So I could use a bed. It just happens... View More
Like January 5, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
“Sure.” He answered a little too quickly. “I mean… you come and go anyway. I can’t stop you. You’ll do what you want to do… evident by,” his hoof made a circular gesture, “this.” He sounded angry, but the alchemist was fighting back another ginger smile. “I… don’t know. I usually like soups. Stews... View More
Like January 5, 2023
Amy Callihan
Sauce completed. The Kisses of 23' will commence. He would cross his arms and think really hard. Soup. Soups... Neighponese. He would itch his head and glance at him. He would give it a real good think for a moment. NEFARIOUS! would laugh Nefariously. He would grin and say. "Well, I have a great Ne... View More
Like January 6, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
We’re down here now because I’m tired of scrolling. The initial way he spoke of the chef seemed, as if he was not meant to go to the land of the damned just yet. However, that all changed when Neffy koala’d around the near-skeleton and… Well, he couldn’t have possibly guessed what was about to hap... View More
Like January 6, 2023
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Amy Callihan
"Nope. We are planted in space." He woukd grin and chuckle. "Seeing the stars is a bit cliche but touching the stars is entirely unique I would say." He would give a blush and grit his teeth. "It was also an excuse to touch you admittedly. I didn't realize how frail you are. I am so us... View More
Like January 10, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
Cynbel was a frail one, but his bones weren’t glass and his skin isn’t paper. He can handle a little bit of wear and tear, though not much more than what he’d already endured with the demon just now. He wasn’t tired, actually… just overwhelmed. But in a good way. He was touched. Few had actually tr... View More
Like January 11, 2023
Amy Callihan
He would laugh at his attempt at a joke and said. "Yeah, I hear ya on that one. I don't plan on it..." He would chuckle and shrug. He would have been slowly moving downward until it went slightly quicker. A lot less on the speed for a bit more comfort. He would hug him close the whole... View More
Like January 11, 2023
Cynbel Ferode
“Reminder that just because I *haven’t* done something threatening, it doesn’t mean I never will. I’m just…” Cynbel’s attention is momentarily taken away by a notification from his television. The co... View More
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Cynbel Ferode
Since the old one is gone, Cynbel appoints himself as the Head Top G of Hustler’s University. His only qualification is that he, too, can somehow look gay in every photo taken of him. #rp
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Plays Andrews Tate Music so you feel like a top G and so you don't feel like you wasted your money!
Like December 30, 2022
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